Manny walked to his dad and neymar crouched down next to him. He started to whisper something in mannys ear, i guess it was portugues so Marc and Sergi wouldn't understand. I watched manny's face as he listened to his father. As neymar stopped talking manny smiled and started to whisper something back. He finished talking and neymar looked at him and smiled. "Tem certeza?" Neymar asked
"Tenho" manny nodded happily. Neymar kissed his cheek
"Vai brincar com seus amigos" he smiled and manny ran off happily.

Neymar stood up again and looked at Ronaldo. "Youre lucky, my son likes you, and i would never upset my son" neymar said "so, this means you will let me talk with carla?"cristiano asked quietly
"It means im not going to beat your ass in front of him bitch boy " neymar snapped glaring at him. Marcs eyes went wide and he grabbed neymar's shoulders again. "Neymar stop" i sighed. He looked at me "is this not worrying you? This man took you away from your family and friends, he hurt you, he made your life hell, but when finally youre happy again he comes back and wants to talk. Does this not scare you at all? Because i think this mans a pyscho!" He said. I looked at Cristiano, he was looking down at the floor sadly. "I want to hear what he has to say" i shrugged. Neymar looked at me like i was crazy. "Carla no! Im not-"
"He's not going to do nothing neymar" i sighed

Neymar looked back at cristiano. "Ten minutes, then you leave" he said "and if you do anything that will upset her, or hurt her in anyway, i swear it will be the last thing you do" he said glaring at ronaldo. He pulled away from marc and walked to me. He didnt say anything but he pulled me closer and kissed me. He looked at cristiano one more time then walked away down a corridor. I heard a door slam as he walked into the kitchen. I looked at marc and sergi. "Um we'll go now" sergi said awkwardly and started to walk away. Marc stayed where he was and looked at cristiano suspiciously, i suddenly remembered the last time these two saw eachother was why they were fighting in the hotel corridor in italy. "We'll be in the kitchen if you need anything" he said to me then followed Sergi.

It was just me and Cristiano, i looked at him and shook my head.. This is too werid. "Okay follow me" i said and walked away. I walked to a small sitting room that we never use, it was just some couches and a TV, the only people i know who use this room are neymars parents when they come to stay. I opened the door and walked inside. Cristiano stood by the door and looked around. "Neymars house is so much nicer than i expected, i thought it was going to be some tacky bachelor place where he always has house parties" he said. I rolled my eyes and pulled him into the room and shut the door. We both stood in silence looking at eachother and waited for the other to speak, this was too awkward. He looked at my stomach again and raised his eyebrows. "So youre really pregnant" he said
"Uhuh.." I replied. He looked around to make sure no one was listening and leaned closer to me
"Youre sure its not mine?" He asked quietly
"Yes!" I said through gritted his teeth. He looked at me curiously again.
"Okay, but how are you sure beacause we-"
"Cristiano what the fuck are you doing here?! Why are you here, you should be in Madrid!" I exclaimed. He sat down on a couch and sighed.

"I know i shouldnt be here, but i had too come" he said. I sat down on another couch and looked at him
"You had to come? Why?" I asked
"Well, last night, i was on twitter and i saw that Barcelona just won a game, and Neymar did some special goal celebration, to celebrate a baby" he said. I looked down at the floor, i hadnt thought about what cristiano was going to think about all of this. "But i didnt think if it was for you, maybe his sister or someone, but then a couple of hours later i was added to this weird group chat on whatsapp with all the Barcelona team, so i thought this whole thing was a joke, the team trying to annoy me or something" he said "i tried to forget about it but this situation was making me go so crazy, i cant not know if youre pregnant or no, so, i went to the airport and i got on the first plane to Barcelona last night, not a private jet, just a normal airline, i had to sit next to some weird old man and everything"

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