Chapter 20

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"Okay lets go say bye to daddy" i told manny as i got ready to leave Neymars. I hadnt seen Neymar since last night because he was still in bed, apparently he wasnt feeling well or something, thats what he told Nadine. Manny ran off through the house towards Neymars room and i followed him.

When i got to the room, the door was already open from where Manny had gone in. I knocked once on the door. "Come in" i heard Neymar reply faintly. I walked in side, the curtains were still closed and it was dark inside. On the bed there was just a lump under the covers which i guessed must be Neymar and probably Manny too. I walked over to the bed and sat down on the side gently next to the lump in the covers. Neymars head slowly appeared above the covers. "Hey" he said quietly. "Hey, is manny here too?" I asked. He lifted the covers a bit so i could see manny who was nestled into his fathers chest silently. "Aww" i smiled as Neymar put the covers back down. He looked up at me with a sad looking face. He didnt look that well either, his eyes were red and puffy and he had lost that glow to his skin he normally had.

"So i hear youre not feeling well?" I said looking at him sympathetically
"No, i feel bad" he sighed. I reached out and put my hand on his forehead, i then moved my hand down to the side of his neck. "You dont have a temperature, and your glands aren't swollen, i wonder what it could be" i said
"Its not that kind of feeling bad" he sighed "its like, umh, i cant explain it" he said miserably
"Its okay" i said. His face looked so sad, a few weeks ago i probably wouldnt have cared what was wrong with him, but a lot had changed since then and i had grown a lot closer to him, so seeing him this down was genuinely upsetting.

"Anyway, im sorry for disturbing you but i didnt want to leave without saying goodbye, and thank you too i guess"
"You didnt disturb me" he replied "anyway even if you did i wouldnt mind if it was you" he said managing a weak smile.
"I'll remember that" i smiled "come on Manny we have to go"
"I want to stay here with papai" manny replied from under the covers. I looked up at Neymar.
"Um is that okay with you?" I asked
"Of course it is, i can drop him back later or something, will you stay too?"
"I cant sorry" i replied "im working at the clinic this afternoon"
"Oh, okay" he replied looking down again.
"Let me know if you need anything okay?" I said standing up. "Thank you for everything" i said bending down and kissing his forehead "see you soon" i left to room and walked downstairs

On my way out, i poked my head through the door into the living room where Dani and Adriano had spent the night. Dani had rolled off the couch in the night and was lying on the floor, and Adriano was crashed out on another crouch with his limbs hanging off. "Good morning boys" i giggled looking at them. Adriano slowly opened one eye and looked at me. "Princesa, bom diaaa-ah my head!" He groaned.
"Oh dear, are you too not feeling well?" I said letting out a little laugh.
"Im think im dead" dani moaned putting a hand on his forehead.
"And this is why i didn't drink too much yesterday" i giggled as dani tried to pull himself back on to the sofa.
"If you think we're bad just imagine what Marc and Sergi will be like this morning, they basically destroyed every bar in the city" Adriano laughed quietly.
"Yeah, im ready to win la liga fianal all over again compared to them" Dani added. I laughed and rolled my eyes
"Then im sure Manny will love to play a little game with you guys and Neymar" i laughed "do you wanna take that statement back Dani?"
"Pfft no, Carla if i couldnt deal with kids whilst being hungover, i wouldnt call myself a father" he said matter of factly
"Then teach Neymar too, he's not feeling too good either" i giggled. Dani and Adriano looked at each other confused
"Neymar cant be hungover, he barely drank last night, he drove home and everything" Adriano said confused
"Well he's in bed right now feeling bad" i shrugged. Adriano's eyes suddenly widened
" ahah" he said turning to Dani "a rosa vermelha.." He hinted.
"Ahhhh" dani replied raising his eyebrows. They both turned to me and did the i know something you dont face.
"Okay you two are crazy, see you soon" i laughed leaving the room and walking outside to where Rafaella was waiting to drive me home.

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