Chapter 65

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I looked at him shocked. What the fuck?! Seriously! I couldn't speak i was so shocked. I just stared at him and he stared back at me. To be honest he didnt look well, there were dark circles under his sad eyes, his skin lost its glow, he wasnt wearing fancy designer brands, just nike tracksuit, and i think he lost weight too. But why was he here?! My life just became stable again and now he arrived?! I looked at neymar, he didnt even notice me because he still was busy trying to get to cristiano, he made jokes about him but still i knew he was so angry with ronaldo and the last thing i wanted was another fight between them.

I looked back at cristiano and finally it seemed like he was about to speak. "Carla i-" but suddenly he stopped talking and he looked at my stomach. I was wearing just a small tshirt and my bump was really obvious like this. "So its true!" he said getting angry. He turned to neymar. "You! You snake!" He shouted jumping forward at him. Neymar tried to run forward too but marc held on to him. "Shit!" Sergi exclaimed pulling Ronaldo away "why does every time these two see each other ends like this!" He groaned as him and Marc were struggling to keep Neymar and Ronaldo apart. "You couldn't wait could you! As soon as i was gone you did that to her" cristiano shouted at Neymar "what is this?! Your sick way of claiming her as yours?!" He shouted
"Ronaldo get your ass out of my house before i punch it back to madrid!" Neymar shouted back.
Suddenly Cristiano got free from sergi and ran towards marc and neymar. "Oh hell no!" I shouted. I ran forward and grabbed his arm "what are you doing?! stop!" I shouted and pulled him away.

He looked at me with wide eyes, he was about to say something but he got interrupted. "Cris!" I heard someone shout excitedly. I saw manny stood at the end of the hallway and he ran forward excitedly. "Manny! Hey!" Cristiano exclaimed happily. He dropped to his knees and opened his arms. Manny ran to him and hugged him tightly. Cristiano hugged him back, i looked at his face, he seemed kinda sad but he was smiling too. "What the fuck.." I heard marc mutter. I looked up, marc and sergi looked so confused watching cristiano and manny hugging, but i didnt focus on them, i watched neymar. At first he seemed still so angry, but as he continued to watch manny and cristiano hugging, the anger started to leave his face and he watched curiously.

Cristiano stopped hugging and smiled at manny. "I think you got bigger manny, youre going to be tall" he smiled
"I'll be like you!" Manny said happily
"Um, i think youre more like your papai" cristiano said "have you been practicing scoring goals like i showed you?"
"Yes! I practice every day!" Manny replied excitedly
"Good, soon you'll be professional, like all of us" cristiano laughed. Manny looked at the ground
"Cris where did you go? You left but you didnt even say goodbye" he said quietly. Cristiano looked at him sadly
"I had to leave manny, im sorry i didnt say goodbye but it happened too quickly" he sighed
"But i missed you" manny said sadly
"I missed you too manny, but youre a barcelona boy, i cant make you live in madrid, its not right" cristiano smiled.
I looked at the others again. Marc and sergi were looking at eachother awkwardly but neymar still was watching his son and cristiano, he didnt seem angry anymore, but he seems kind of hurt. I could understand why and i didnt want him to feel like this.

"Cristiano you cant be here" I said. He took his eyes off manny and looked at me. He tried to speak but neymar spoke before him. "Exactly, get out" he said through gritted teeth glaring at cristiano. Cristiano stood up and sighed. "Look, im not here to fight, or to cause trouble, or to do anything bad, i just want to talk to carla" he said calmly. He looked at me "please" he said quietly.
"No" neymar said "youre not allowed any where near her, youre a psychopath" he said glaring at Cristiano.
"But i-"
"I dont care cristiano! If you think im going to let you even look at my girl after everything you did to her then you've lost you damn mind!" Neymar snapped, he was starting to get angry again and i saw manny start to look scared
"Neymar, i promise you, all i want to do is talk to her, it wont affect you, or manny, or anyone else, i just want to say something to her" Cristiano said quietly. He looked at neymar in the eyes, cristianos eyes were pleading and seemed so sad but neymar didnt change. He looked back at cristiano for a few more seconds then looked at manny. "Filho, vem aqui" he said.

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