Waiter Helps The Waiting (Jiley)

Start from the beginning

"So, what is your name?" The man asked, after a few moments of silence.

"Riley," The brunette said quietly, still trying to process the situation.

"Nice to meet you Riley, I'm James," The brown-haired boy gave a dazzling grin.

"Why are you doing this?" Riley asked, touched at the man's kindness, but still confused at his actions.

"Well, I don't think a beautiful girl such as yourself deserves to be stood-up, so I decided to join you," James said simply, as if it was basic knowledge.

Though Riley was still a bit cautious, she was quite intrigued.

"Wait, how did you pull this off? You were serving me just a few minutes ago...?" The brunette trailed off, raising an eyebrow. Even though she had only been with the man for a few seconds, she already felt comfortable around him.

Riley slowly lent back in her chair,  thinking about what a strange occurrence this was.
And how weird it was that she only knew this man's name, and yet she already felt comfortable in his presence.

"Well after I served your drink, I went to my boss and quickly explained the pending situation, to which he responded with sympathy. I then borrowed a suit from the valet's spare locker and came here," James explained, leaning back in his chair, a relaxed look adorning his features.

"Speak English please!" The brunette said after a few seconds. Of course she understood what he was saying, but with the current situation on her hands, Riley needed to hear some plain English.

James chuckled before replying, "Sorry. Waiter words we call it. I talked to him and he's fine with it. I quickly changed and then I sat down."

"So your boss is fine with this? I don't want you getting in trouble," Riley smiled coyly, but with genuine worry in her tone.
James smiled, as he began to see a bit more of her personality. He had definitely done the right thing, and gotten himself a date with a lovely girl in the process.

"I'll work a few more hours, but he's mainly chill so it'll be okay," He explained, happy that Riley cared enough to ask.

"If you're sure," the brunette responded shyly. She didn't want him to have to work more for her.

"Absolutely. So Riley, tell me about yourself," James switched topics, an interested look on his face.

"Uh, well, I like to dance," She replied with a small smile.

"Really, where?" The man asked, instantly intrigued.

"Uh, The Next Step..." Riley said, unsure of James's sudden interest.

"Cool! I'm actually in a breakdancing group but I've been looking for auditions for that place. It seems really cool!" He spoke with such genuine interest, and Riley was ecstatic at the thought of spending more time with this new man. She was practically hanging onto his words.

"Well we have A-Troupe auditions for regionals soon if you want to come along. Normally we don't allow newcomers to try out but I'm sure I can put in a word for you," Riley smiled with excitement.

James just grinned, thinking about what an amazing night it was turning out to be.

~ An Hour Later ~

"Well, I've had an amazing time. Thank you for saving me," Riley smiled as James walked her out the door of the restaurant.

"Thank you for having me," James emphasised, "I hope to see you again soon."

"Would you like my number?" Riley asked eagerly, but quickly composed herself, not realising James's equal excitement. She coughed before continuing, "Then I can arrange an audition for you."

James quickly replied, "Yeah, I would love that. But, uh, listen, I've had a great time and I would really like to see you again."

"Me too," Riley responded, stepping closer to the brown-haired man.

No words were exchanged as James's arms snakes around Riley's waist.

"Did I tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?" The man asked, staring at her with fondness, breaking the silence.

"Many times, actually," Riley confirmed before connecting their lips.

The streetlight buzzed quietly, and faint chatter could be heard from the restaurant, but it was all forgotten as they spent the moment wrapped in each other's presence.

After a few moments they broke apart for air, their breathing heavy.

"I'll see you soon?" James said, but it came out as a hopeful question.

"You sure will," Riley smiled with a newfound confidence, before collecting herself and walking down to her car.

James couldn't ignore his growing excitement as he saw Riley's car fade into the distance.

His life was changed forever, in that one moment.

By the perfect girl.

To him, anyway.

~ The End ~

Hey guys.

Look, I know you haven't heard from me in months. I know I've been bad at updating. But if you want a chapter now and then, and if you're willing to stick around, please do.

There is some personal stuff that is going on in my life right now that I can't share with you, because some of my friends read this. But because of it, writing has become less of a priority than it is now. I want to be able to promise you guys content all the time, but realistically I just can't. Thank you to be people who stick by me through all this, and understand where I am coming from. There are so many of you that I hate to let down, please know I am really sorry. I hope that you can continue to enjoy the stuff I have written, and (hopefully) will write.

As always, I love you guys so much. Thank you for being the fans you are.
Please vote and comment if you liked it, and I'll see you in the future.


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