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Here we are in the classroom waiting for Mr. Finn since he's late, yet again, it's not like we're surprised or something.

Tomika: So, I'm bored, what do you guys wanna play?

Summer: Lets play truth or dare

Freddy: No! Everything always goes wrong in truth or dare, and I'm not risking it.

Zack: Chill dude, you're becoming the new Lawrence

Lawrence: how is that bad?

Tomika: Ok, can we just play?!

We all agreed on playing the game. We formed a little circle in the middle and started the game. Tomika spinned the bottle and it landed on...... Lawrence.

Tomika: Ok, Lawrence.. Truth or Dare

Tomika said with the look. And when I mean the look, I mean the look.

Lawrence: T-truth

Tomika: What is your most unforgettable moment?

Lawrence: I-I um... I kissed Esme on the cheek ok?!!

We were all shocked and excited as Lawrence blushed bright red.

Freddy: Good job, bro, you should really ask her out by now, Lesme, I ship it!

After a few comments and encouragements, Lawrence went and spinned the bottle. It landed on... Me.

Lawrence: Truth or Dare??

Freddy: Dare

Lawrence: I dare you to say yes in whatever people would ask you to do for the whole day.

Zack: That sounded boring

Tomika: Yah, Lawrence, you couldnt think of something bigger??

Lawrence: Relax, watch this guys.

He looked at me.

Lawrence: Hey Freddy, can you buy me a new backpack?

Freddy: Yes

Well, that was the dare, I guess, that I had to say yes.

Tomika: Yo Freddy, buy me a pack of new rollerblades

Freddy: Yes.

I took the bottle and spinned it. The bottle landed on Zack.

Freddy: Truth or Dare?

Zack: Dare

Freddy: I dare you to paint Principal Mullins' car blue.

His eyes widened.

Zack: What?! Dude, this would not be good for my college application. My dad wants me in Yale!! First, Principal Mullins will kill me, Then my father. I'll be dead twice!! (A.n. school of Rock reference, no?)

Freddy: Fine, only a part

*A few minutes later with Zack coming back in the room*

Summer: Did you do it?

Zack showed us a Selfie of him painting a part of Mullins' car blue.

We sat back down and Zack spinned the bottle. And it landed on.... Summer.

Summer: Zack, you have that look on your face Tomika had earlier.

Zack: Truth or Dare?

Summer: Dare

Zack smirked at Summer and I.

Zack: I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven... With Freddy.

Freddy/Summer: WHAT?!!

Tomika: now thats a dare

Freddy: You can't, I didn't agree with it

Zack: Hey, Freddy wanna do 7 minutes in heaven with Summer?

Freddy: Dang it!!

We tried to readon with them, but they just pushed us into the confiscation closet.

Summer: what do we do know?

Freddy: Wait, until 7 minutes is over.

Summer: I can't, I don't want to

Freddy: Then, what do you want to do?

Summer fell silent.

Freddy: You know what, let's do 7 minutes in heaven properly.

I leaned in closer to her she didn't stop me so I went for it. I kissed her sweet lips.

Zack cleared his throat.

We both pulled away blushing to see the whole band grinning at us like freaks.

Tomika: Sorry, to interrupt your moment, but Mr. Finn is here so we had to stop the game.

Lawrence: Yah we're really sorry, we would've never interrupted you if we know you were...

Summer: Yah... Let's go practice.


Requested by maidoesmcpe

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