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Thoughts of the signs:

Aries: "I'm going to do this with or without you. I don't need you to show me how. I don't need you to watch me do it."

Taurus: "I can retract my kindness at any moment. I can make you sorry just as quickly as I can make you comfortable."

Gemini: "I just wish someone would believe me when I speak. Not everything I say is a joke. Not every game I play is in vain."

Cancer: "How about instead of complaining that I'm constantly moping, you give me a reason to stop moping?"

Leo: "There are times I feel like I should just stop speaking. I want to see who would honestly notice, or care."

Virgo: "I just wish someone would acknowledge my ideas. I want to feel important for more than two seconds. I want to be remembered."

Libra: "I want to show off those important to me. I want to tell everyone exactly what makes them special. I wish mere words could say it enough."

Scorpio: "People don't think I notice, but I do. I notice every slight change in behavior, right down to an odd  blinking pattern."

Sagittarius: "You can either take me as I am, or you can walk away. I'm not going to change my way of thinking to appease or align with your lifestyle."

Capricorn: "I will bulldoze anything that gets in my way. If it means I have to break a couple hearts on my way up, no problem. I'm not backing down."

Aquarius: "I don't have time to talk about it, I don't have energy to talk about it, and I don't have any seconds left yo waste. Let's move on."

Pisces: "Just yesterday, it felt like everything was perfect. I know it's going to crumble to the ground. I know I destroy everything I touch. So I'm not expecting anything less."

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