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The signs playing Pokemon Go

Aries: can't even get on cause the EFFING SERVERS ARE DOWN

Taurus: doesn't want to get up so just uses incense to attract them all to their bed

Gemini: somehow stocked up on every effing item: 500 pokeballs, 20 lures, etc.

Cancer: tries to make a gym down with a weak pokemon...succeeds somehow???

Leo: stands up on table, rips shirt open, and screams their team name

Virgo: goes on long walks around the world to hatch their effing 5km eggs

Libra: can't decide on a team to join so they just wander around somehow catching really good pokemon

Scorpio: raging bc the only one pokemon around are effing weedles, pidgeys, and rattatas

Sagittarius: waits for somebody else to take the gym then puts their pokemon in before they can

Capricorn: obsessed with evolving everything; lectures their friends to not "pokemon go and drive"

Aquarius: somehow ended up on the other side of the world looking for that damn pikachu

Pisces: is actually really good and has a ton of strong pokemon, but barely ever goes to the gym

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