Chapter 10

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Skylar groaned as he sat behind the counter, rubbing his temples as he tried to will away his pounding head. Somehow Deidara managed to get him to drink way more than he was planning to. Sure, it was fun at the time but he regretted it now that he had to sit through work, nursing a coffee to try to rid himself of his hangover.

He cringed as the bell above the door ran, indicating another customer just entered the establishment. Heaving a heavy sigh, Skylar stood up and made his to the cash register to take the patrons order. Though, upon seeing the customer Skylar’s gaze immediately narrowed into an icy glare.

“You don’t need to look so upset. I just came to talk.” Skylar inwardly groaned. Why couldn’t Jake just get the damn hint and leave him the hell alone?

“I’m working.” Skylar snarled. It didn’t help that he came to his work of all places. Though, he guessed it was smart on his part. This way Skylar had to act somewhat civil if he wanted to keep his job. Skylar’s pretty sure telling a customer to go fuck themselves is a big no-no.

“Please. Ten minutes. That’s all I ask.” Skylar’s glare hardened before he let out a heavy sigh. It really didn’t look like he was going to be able to get out of this one.

“Fine. I’ll be on my break in a little bit.” Skylar spat, wondering why the world hated him so. Jake smiled, giving Skylar a slight nod in thanks. Skylar just rolled his eyes as he got back to work, Jake going off to sit at a table in the corner. Why does he have a feeling that this isn’t going to end well? Frankly, Skylar didn’t quite think he had the mental capability to deal with this right now. Oh well. He might as well just strap on a pair and get it over with once and for all.

Skylar finished making the current orders that came in before letting his manager know he was taking his allotted break. A slight sigh left his lips as he finished his coffee, throwing the cup away in the trash as he made his way out to where Jake was sitting. This wasn’t his ideal way to be spending his break.

“You wanted to talk, so talk.”  Skylar huffed, taking a seat across from Jake at the table he was currently residing.

“It seems like I have been running into you everywhere now a days and it really has got me thinking about when we were together. As corny as it sounds, I think it’s fate telling me that we should be together.” Skylar couldn’t resist the urge to scoff, rolling his blue eyes.

“You sure it’s not because you ran out of whores to fuck?” Jake frowned, his green eyes hardening as they met with Skylar’s.

“I’m being serious. I want us to get back together. It would be perfect, especially since you are already friends with the heads of my fraternity. No one would question you coming over all the time or staying with me.” Of course, Skylar should have known this had something to do with him gaining favor in the Akatsuki. Though, Jake wasn’t aware that Skylar only had it because of Itachi. Other than that he could care less about the fraternity.

“It’s not going to happen. I already told you I’m in a relationship.” Skylar’s eyes narrowed dangerously as Jake took his hands in his on the table. Skylar tried to pull them free but to no avail.

“But we have a history together.” Jake argued, causing Skylar’s eyes to narrow further.

“Not a good one mind you.”

“Please, baby. Just give me another chance. I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

“No. There’s no way in hell we’re ever going to be together. I’m with a man who actually makes me happy and I’m not going to give that up.” Skylar flat out denied him, feeling rather good about it. Though, instead of just accepting it, Jake surprised him by leaning over the table and sealing his lips with a desperate attempt at a kiss as if that alone would change his mind. Skylar quickly heaved his hands out of Jake’s grasp, pulling away from the kiss, before recoiling and landing a right hook to his jaw.

“Is there a problem here?” Skylar’s heart thumped wildly in his chest as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, adrenaline rushing through his body, as he looked towards the person who approached them. Though, as soon as he laid eyes on the familiar raven hair his heart nearly exploded from his chest. From the look on Jake’s face, he had a similar reaction. Shit. Just how much of that did Itachi see?

“No. He was just leaving.” Skylar shot a pointed look at Jake, making it clear that he wanted nothing more to do with him.

“Right… Sorry for bothering you.” Jake conceded, probably because of Itachi’s presence, before he stood up and made his leave. Skylar noticed Itachi’s eyes follow him until he left the building before they snapped back to him. Skylar gulped at the heated stare Itachi was giving him, indicating that he saw the kiss.

“If you’re getting back to work now, I’d like to place an order.” Skylar shivered, feeling his cock twitch in anticipation, at the low tone Itachi spoke, promising a punishment to come. God, this man was turning him into a masochist.


“I-Itachi~” Skylar huffed, a moan leaving his lips. “Let me cum.” Skylar groaned as Itachi’s grip tightened around the base of his cock, stopping him from achieving his ultimate release. “Please?” He whined as he shakily increased the speed of his hand around Itachi’s impressive length.

“Not yet.” Itachi breathed huskily into his ear, adding to the accumulation of perspiration in the air. Skylar groaned, gripping onto Itachi’s shoulder with his unoccupied hand while burrowing his face into the crook of his neck. A chuckle resonated in his ear causing him to retaliate by biting his neck, causing Itachi to stiffen under his touch. Skylar continued his barrage of nips, licks, and sucks against Itachi’s neck, his lips stretching into a smile against his flesh at the slight moans and heavy panting coming from Itachi. He could tell he was getting close to finishing.

Skylar exhaled a deep breath as he felt Itachi’s free hand grip at the hair on the nape of his neck, successfully pulling him from his neck before slamming his lips against his own. Skylar didn’t even have a moment to process the new change as Itachi’s tongue invaded his mouth while simultaneously releasing his hold on Skylar’s cock. A moan wracked Skylar’s body, which Itachi swallowed hungrily, as Skylar was finally given his release. White blurred his vision as he came hard, his cum shooting against his mattress along with splashing against Itachi’s hot, straining, cock in his hand. The resulting orgasm caused Skylar’s grip to tighten around Itachi’s abused flesh, sending him over the edge as well.

Itachi’s lips pressed against Skylar’s in a new fervor as his orgasm shook his body, coating Skylar’s hand with his warm seed. Finally pulling away from the kiss, both panted out, completely out of breath as they lazily rest their foreheads together. Their hot breath intermingled as they maintained eye contact, reveling in the bliss of their release while waiting to come down from their high. A soft smile spread on Itachi’s lips as he leaned in to peck Skylar’s lips once more, obviously coming out of his bliss faster since he wasn’t strung along as long as Skylar was.

“Fuck.” Skylar breathed, still out of breath, not having the mental capability to form a coherent sentence. A chuckle left Itachi’s lips as he leaned over to grab tissue off of Skylar’s nightstand to start cleaning up their mess. “Sorry about earlier.” Skylar tensed, slightly, as Itachi ran a tissue over his deflated dick, cleaning up the rest of the remnants of their activity. Itachi’s dark eyes glanced at Skylar’s flushed face before returning to the task at hand.

“Don’t worry about it. I happened to overhear your conversation with him and I know he initiated the kiss.” Itachi spoke, disposing of the soiled tissues in the waste bin next to the bed. “Though, you won’t have to worry about him bothering you again. I’ll make sure of that.” A slight smile spread on Skylar’s lips at the dark glint that filled Itachi’s eyes. He didn’t doubt that Itachi was going to make Jake's fraternity life a living hell. That is, if he even made pass the pledge phase. Skylar’s smile widened as he wrapped his arms around Itachi’s neck before pressing his lips against his in a passionate kiss. Skylar loved this possessive side of Itachi.

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