Chapter 9

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“Itachi~ I’m bored.” Skylar whined causing a chuckle to resonate through the receiver. “I want to see you.” Skylar huffed, a slight pout forming on his lips. Due to their schedules recently they haven’t been able to see each other for at least a week. And, frankly, Skylar was starting to show some signs of withdraw. Damn that addictive Uchiha with his silky hair, gorgeous smile, perfect ass-

“Are you pouting?” A slight blush crossed Skylar’s cheeks as he let out a little huff.

“No.” Another chuckle met his ears causing a slight scowl to cross his features. Itachi just loves teasing him.

“You’re cute.” Skylar clicked his tongue, a smile crossing his lips.

“Bout time you noticed.” God this just made him feel like he was in high school again, gushing over the phone to his crush hoping not to come off like an idiot. It made him feel giddy.

“I take it you’re not doing anything tonight?”

“Besides jerking off while thinking of you?” A smirk crossed Skylar’s lips as Itachi exhaled a short breath.

“Now that’s a sight I’d like to see.” Skylar could feel his body tingle at the husky tone Itachi was using. Ever since they went bowling, and Itachi’s little act of possession, he started playing into Skylar’s advances.

“You’d just watch? You wouldn’t want to join me?” Skylar breathed out hotly, liking where this conversation was going.

“Only until you’d beg me, desperately, to help you release.” Skylar could help but let out a moan at that, eliciting another deep chuckle from Itachi. “But, back to the topic on hand. The Akatsuki is hosting a party tonight if you’d like to come.”

“No fair, getting me all riled up and ending it right there.” Skylar groaned before letting out a frustrated sigh. “You’re lucky I like you.”

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then.” Skylar could hear the amusement behind Itachi’s voice. Of course he would be enjoying this.

“Whatever. I need to get ready so I’ll see you in like an hour or so.” 

“Alright, I can’t wait to see you.” Skylar hummed, a smile taking over his lips as he hung up the phone and sprung off the couch for his room. Tearing through his closet, Skylar laid out his outfit, something drool worthy but not too attention grabbing since he only needed Itachi’s attention, before hopping into the shower to rub one out before the party. It may not be the ideal situation but Skylar is just happy to get to spend time with the raven. There being booze is just a plus.


Skylar walked right up to the door of the frat house, walking right in anxiously trying to get out of the cold. Luckily the door was unlocked so people could come and go as they pleased. Though, as soon as he stepped inside he realized from the lack of people that he was early. Oh well, just more time he gets to spend in Itachi’s company.

“Fuck! That doesn’t go there! Move it to the other fucking side of the room!” Skylar watched curiously as a silver haired male yelled out orders at other men, whom he was assuming to be pledges by the way they scampered to get it done, as he walked further into the building. Damn, this frat sure had some attractive members. Skylar didn’t get to come here often, which makes sense because there usually are a lot of people around and visiting Itachi alone would pose a problem. That’s why if they ever wanted alone time they would just hang out at Skylar’s place.

“Sky! Glad you came, un!” Skylar tensed as he took the brunt of the weight of someone jumping him while draping their arm over his shoulder. Though, he relaxed upon seeing the familiar blonde hair and recognizing the voice.

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