Chapter 1 - Opposites

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"Good morning, students!" Mr. McLoughlin announced to the class. "I bet you're all SO excited to be back at school!" He said sarcastically, making the students roll their eyes. "Don't worry, I don't wanna be here either. I can't believe I spent sixteen years at school and decided to do more school. What was I thinking?" A few kids laughed. "So, I moved here from Ireland. I used to teach middle school, but teachers make like no money and I got poor. Don't ask me how I managed to move to a whole new country." Jack grinned when he heard a few more students laugh. He loved making people laugh and he loved helping people, so he loved his job. "If my accent is too confusing and you can't hear a word I'm saying, feel free to raise your hand and tell me how annoying my voice is. It's alright, I've only lived here for a few months, but I'm already used to hearing that." Jack chuckled as a few of his students giggled. "Aaanywayyy, I'm Mr. McLoughlin, also known as the coolest teacher EVER." Jack jokingly flicked his hair. "I teach science and whatever. We'll blow up stuff this semester and next semester we'll make cars and crap." Jack leaned against his desk. "Honestly I wish I could teach all of the fields of science, like biology, psychology, and neurology, but I just got stuck with AP chemistry and physics." Jack sighed. "But, that means you're all stuck with me, too! Yay!" Jack threw his arms up in the air. "Anyway, let's get started, yeah?" Jack stopped his nonsensical introduction and finally started class.


"Everyone, listen up!" Mr. Fischbach shouted. "This is AP Humanities; no more middle school babying! It's time to your act together for high school!" He thwapped a meter stick on a girl's desk, making her jump. "You'll have to take notes, you'll have to study, and if you can't deal with me, you need to get out of my class!" Kids looked at him in fear, their backs glued to the back of their seats as the teacher in front of them yelled. Mark paused for a moment, looking around. "No one's leaving?" He asked in a normal voice. Kids looked at each other before looking back to their teacher in fear. "Answer me!" He got slightly louder.

"N-No..." The kids answered meekly.

"Come on, you don't sound very confident!" Mark threw his arms out to his sides.

"No." The kids answered slightly more confident.

"That's 'No, Sir!'" Mark slapped the meter stick on another desk.

"No, Sir!" The kids answered back fearfully.

"Much better!" Mark crossed his arms as he stood at the front of the room. "You will ALWAYS bring a highlighter to my class! If your notes or tests aren't highlighted, you will get points taken off! If you don't pay attention in my class and if you don't study, YOU. WILL. FAIL!" Mark shouted. "And I do NOT deal with failures in my class!" Mark looked around at all the terrified students. "Everyone, get out a highlighter and a pencil! We're gonna take a test, and this WILL count for a test grade!" Mark started handing out tests to students. He caught one student passing a spare highlighter to the person next to them. "Don't pass each other highlighters! This is high school! You're not gonna be babied any more!" He pointed his meter stick to the two students. "Since it's the first day of school, I'll go easy on you two." The two students let out a sigh. "Ten minutes of detention for every question you miss." He turned back to the front of the room. "You have fifteen minutes to take this twenty question test. Go!"


Jack stepped out of his classroom after first period and leaned against the wall. He saw a girl run out of a history classroom, crying and holding a paper with a negative grade written on it in bold red marker.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jack rested a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.

"W-We got a t-test in history, a-and none of us new anything! I d-didn't know the a-answers, a-and-" She sobbed.

"Hey, hey, it's okay! Everything is okay!" Jack hugged her tightly.

"No it's not! H-He's taking if for a test grade, and I-I got a NEGATIVE THIRTY-SIX!" She sobbed loudly.

"How in the world..." Jack turned around and saw a stone faced teacher leaning against the wall beside his classroom. "Here, let me write you a pass to class, then I'll go talk to him." He pat her back and led her to his classroom. He quickly scribbled down his signature on a sticky note and handed it to the girl. "Do you wanna go see the counselor and go calm down?" He asked softly. The girl shook her head and choked back a few more quiet sobs. "It's okay, you'll be okay." He hugged her again. The minute bell rang and he let her go. "Get to class now. It'll be alright." He smiled softly and sent her out of the room.

He stepped out into the hall and stopped the history teacher just before he walked into the classroom. "You gave your kids a test on the first day of school?" He asked accusingly.

"I want to see what they know." The teacher was taken aback by the stranger questioning his actions.

"A girl got a negative thirty-six on her paper." Jack raised one eyebrow.

"That's not as bad as most students did." The teacher rolled his eyes.

"Just... It's the first day of school and they haven't learned that material yet..." Jack sighed. "Don't take it for a grade. In any of your classes."

"I wasn't planning to, I just told them I would." The teacher turned back to his classroom to make sure his students weren't being noisy.

"That's not nice." Jack scolded.

"I'm assuming you used to teach elementary school?" The other teacher raised an eyebrow.

"Middle school." Jack corrected.

"So that's why all my students are huge babies." The teacher smirked.
Jack opened his mouth to speak, but he closed it quickly and ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm not even going to argue with you any more." Jack decided to be the bigger person and not stoop down to the other man's level.

"You're the one that tried to tell me how to run my class!" The teacher sneered.

Jack took a deep breath and forced a smile. "Have a wonderful afternoon." He said politely, then turned to walk away just as the bell rang. Mark huffed and stormed back into his class, in an even worse mood than he was last period.


Dude I honestly love this story so much

I get most of my inspiration to write while I'm at school but I can't have my phone out so sigh

Like Mister Masterpiece, this will be updated whenever I have a chapter READY. Please don't beg me to update; it causes me a lot of stress when I don't have the time to write :)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading, and if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you bosses, IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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