Eventide spoilers

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Last chance to back out of this page and go enjoy Eventide the way it was meant to be enjoyed. You have been warned.

Leah's romantic lead is Brogan Kavanaugh, a good man who is almost perfect for Leah on a personal level. Leah does not imprint on him at first sight, but there is a reason for that. Brogan is most definitely her soulmate .

Brogan is a child of the moon, a "real" werewolf, as mentioned, but not shown in the Twilight Saga. Brogan takes a serum that prevents the change. At the beginning of Eventide, he has not changed in over ten years. He believes he is cured and can finally lead a normal life. Little does he know that his body is developing a resistance to the serum.

The change is triggered by a full moon or when a vampire (Brogan calls them hunters) comes within a mile of him, day or night. When phased, there is nothing of Brogan left in the beast. The beast hunts the strongest predator in the area, be that a vampire, human, grizzly bear---or a horse-sized wolf. The beast is merciless and malicious, running purely on the instinct to hunt and kill. Over three centuries ago in Scottland, during the first full moon after Brogan and his sister, Illyana, were bitten, they transformed and slaughtered their whole family. Days later, they buried all the body parts together in one large pit because they couldn't tell which body parts went with which family members. From that day forward they tried to go far from humans during the full moons, but were not always successful. Brogan has killed a lot of people over the centuries.

The biggest difference between Edward and Brogan? Edward was a good man who saw himself as a monster, yet found the strength and self control to rise above his condition. Brogan is a good man who becomes a murderous monster with no hope of rising above his condition. The first thing the beast does when he sees Leah is try to murder her.

At the crisis point, Leah learns that Brogan is a child of the moon when she follows him into the deep woods during a full moon. Only her speed allows her to escape the beast alive. Brogan's worst fears are realized after he changes beneath the full moon. The serum can no longer suppress his condition, his curse.

Jacob and Seth are on patrol back in La Push when this happens, so they know what Brogan is. Both packs and the Cullen's head to Alaska to assist Leah and the Denali Clan with the danger Brogan presents.

Brogan is going venomous, a procreative urge that will lead the beast to seek out and bite humans in order to make new monsters, lots and lots of them. He must be stopped, by whatever means necessary. No one knows this better than Brogan himself. No one denies this more vehimently than Leah.

Sam and the Denalis want to hunt him down and destroy Brogan immediately. Carlisle is willing to work toward strengthening the serum before the next full moon in order to get Brogan's condition back under control.

Will Leah find a way to keep the love of her life, or will fate once again rip her heart to pieces, perhaps literal pieces this time?

'Beauty And The Beast' and 'Of Mice And Men' are the classic books that inspired the Eventide storyline. Of course, the Twilight Saga is what Eventide is based upon. Eventide is canon, meaning it picks up where Breaking Dawn left off with no changes in past events or the characters who inhabit the Twiliverse.

Please read Eventide to experience all this and more for yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2013 ⏰

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