Sad Turkey

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Persia and her outfit of the day-Blue😊
Its been two weeks since I talked to my mom, two weeks since she told me that bastard was getting out, two weeks since he came home, and two weeks since we had our argument. In those two weeks Thanksgiving seemed to be closer its in a couple days and I've been feeling down not only because of the argument between me and my mom but also because August been acting weird lately and I don't know why. Like this morning when I was using the bathroom he came and brushed his teeth, when I was done I said good morning and he rolled his eyes washed his face and walked out like he didn't hear me talking to him. I'm just trying to not let it show but its really hurting my feelings and ever since the argument and when I told him bout my dream he be acting distant. I'm just not gonna think about it right now I'm at the grocery with August bodyguard T apparently it ain't safe for me to go by myself cause people know we dating an he don't want me to get ambushed. As I got the cart and started pushing it Big T came and took it from me.

Persia: Ya know I could a pushed it my self..

BigT:Yea but you also gotta get the food and its gonna get heavy

He did have a point so I just shrugged and let him push it and looked at the list for the last minute Thanksgiving foods. It seems that most of it is the desert so I went to the pie section and grabbed ten apple pies, ten sweet potatoes pies, ten pumpkin pies, ten cranberry pie(cranberry and cherry pies are bomb)and ten cherry pies. After I checked those off my list I went to the Hawaiian rolls and got twenty packs off the sweet ones and twenty of the buttered ones. I went to the meat section and got two turkies since we having a lot of family and one won't be enough and two more hams, so in total at the house we got two hams so four hams and one turkey so three turkies. Were gonna have one fried turkey a southern New Orleans styles turkey (courtesy to mama sheila) and a regular turkey. Were gonna have honey ham breaded ham and two regur hams. I went to the pasta isle and got hella maccaroni for when I make the homemade macaroni and cheese. Then I went to the meat department where the counter was and asked the man for eight pounds of chitlins cause my grandma (who I call bonnie) was making them for us and last to the sauces to get a lot of hot sauce. I had tBig T tale the cart to the front so they can hold it and get a new cart as we went to the drink isle I got soda-orang, grape,cola,sprite,tiki punch, and grapefruit fanta, I got Capri's suns-koolaid jammers red blue purple and green. Then I got five cases of water when that was all don't we went to the casgier. He started ringing our stuff up but not before giving me a smile he had pretty eyes. He was cute but not on August level cute, he got two dimples.

Cashier🔝🔝(He cute😍)He smiled at me I smiled back

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Cashier🔝🔝(He cute😍)
He smiled at me I smiled back. He complimented me
Cashier:Your beautiful

I looked at his name tag before saying thank you.

Persia:Thank you Mason
Mason:Your welcome

As he continued to ring our stuff up he kept trying to flirt with me then the boy who was bagging my stuff said the most dirtiest pick-up line ever.
Bagger:My dick died can I bury it in your vagina?

I gave him a disgusted look before I could reply he said

Bagger: Is there a phone in your backpack cause that ass is calling me.

Again before I could reply I seen a fist and the bagger fell out knocked out. I looked up and seen August standing there with a mean look he walked to me and hugged me from behind then I seen T putting his phone in his pocket sneakingly.

Persia:You called August why you didn't just sock his ass.
BigT:Cause I can go to jail for it cause I'm August bodyguard and only supposed to hit people when they trying to hurt him no affence.
Persia:Nun taking

I looked at August and he kissed me. Then he looked at the cashier who looked scared as hell

Mason(cashier): Yooo-our total is $1,598.12

I went to give him my credit card but August already gave him his black card. Mason handed me the receipt as August and T got both carts and pushed them I grabbed the excessive stuff.we put everything in the back of the truck I rode in with T and in the back of Augs range rover.

August:You riding with me or T?
Persia:I guess you, sorry T
Terrence:Its coo (I will be calling him big T, Terrence(his name) and T)

I walked to the range August opened the door and helped me in he closed the door after I put my seat belt on and jogged to the driver side. He got in and drove off, the only sound in the car was the radio playing in the background and the whole time I was looking out the window as we stopped at a light August texted somebody and I'm guessing its T cause he went towards the house as we drove onto the freeway.
Persia: August
He hummed in response
Persi:Why have our been so mad at me lately?
He sighed the pulled to the side of the rode.
August:I ain't mad atchya' mamas jus' stressed because of da fight between you and ya mama
Persia:But why?
August:Because I realized dat I ain't doin ma job you helped me reconnect with my momma after years of us not talkin and I feel I should do da same but yo' ass so stubborn that I don't know how ta do it

I sat there thinking bout what he was saying

Persia:But August I don't want o reconnect with my mother not right now at least she needs know that she betrayed me she promised he would never come back but look at her helping his ass out.

August:Baybeh I unda'stand dat but sooner or later y'all gonna have ta makeup especially since thanksgiving is only three days away.

Persia:Your right but I choose later.

He sighed and started back driving when I looked at our surroundings I realized we were heading to the beach. I got excited even tho it was kinda chilly I lived the beach it helped calm me down.
When we pulled up I took my shoes off and left them in the car I rolled my pants up and stepped into the sand August came behind me havin did the same and we just walked around the beach talking and holding hands.

 When we pulled up I took my shoes off and left them in the car I rolled my pants up and stepped into the sand August came behind me havin did the same and we just walked around the beach talking and holding hands

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In the next chapter there will be a time skip and it will go straight to thanksgiving then I won't be able to update till after thanksgiving because my family will be here and I have to help out but I'll make the next chapter extra juicy😎😎😎

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