The Beginning part2

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(Still a flashback in AugustPOV)
August POV
I walked back in and sat down she put her glasses back on grabbed her notepad looked me in the eye and said
Persia: Now are you ready or do I  have to make you do that again and again until you see I'm not the one to play with.
Me being who I am I replied with
August:Shit are you ready cause I'ont think anybody can handle big daddy Aug.
She rolled her eyes then squinted them at me
Persia: So you want to tell me yo shrimp dick having ass be having people run from you obviously you ain't had no real women and only dealt with hoes cause a real woman would take one look at ya  and no you ain't nothing but a fine ass nigga with money, can sing, but ain't got nun to follow it.
I smirked at her and said
August: So you think I'm a fine ass nigga naw.
She rolled her eyes again.
Persia: Is that all you heard come out my mouth? Ya know what don't answer that... Anyway so Mr.Alsina tell me how do you feel right now?
August: To be honey witch'a I'm still pissed that my manager said if I don't come here I'll lose my damn job.
Persia: Uhuh and why do you think you manager put you in therapy?" She asked after she wrote on her notepad
August: I'on know shit she said my performance been off and that I have been doing a little to much what'eva da fuck that mean, but i just wanna get dis shit ova wit' so I can leave and hopefully not comeback.
Persia:Uhmmm feelings mutual but to bad its my job and if I'm not mistaken you have o come back every two weeks for the next year or so.
I looked at her bewildered
August: Da fuck out just say naw!! Fuck No I'm not coming back in this bitch.
After I said that I opened the door and stormed out not listening to her yelling for me to come back.
*Flashback over*
We both chuckled thinking bout how we first met
August: I still can't believe you said I have a shrimp dick knowing damn well its a monster down there.* He said with a smirk
Persia:*I chuckled* First of all I don't know what's down there and it could possibly be a shrimp or a monster but I guess I'll never find out. Now tell me how do you feel now that we've came this far from when we first met?
August: To tell ya da truth I actually felt relieved that I met you and you've helped me my manager says that I've done better  than before and I'm improving still.
Persia: That's good. Now I want you to think back to when you first told me about your brother's death.
*Flashback August POV*
I woke up to a phone call from my manager telling me its time to get up for therapy to tell you the truth it ain't that bad I been slowly opening up to Persia after all that shit from 2 months ago. I got up put on some  black jeans and a black and white sweater shirt and since after this I'm going on tour I grabbed my backpack and my duffle bag (pic in mm) and walked downstairs then I made me a breakfast sandwich of eggs bacon cheese and tomatoes and went to the car where my driver was. I gave him the address and off we went.
When we arrived I told him I'll be back in an hour or so. I walked to Bambii and as always she was on the phone with Persia gossiping😒. I tapped her shoulda.
Bambii: Hold up girl people is so rude can't you see I'm on the damn pho- oh hey August
August:*chuckles* What's poppin Bambii I see you in the phone gossippin again but I'm hea fo my appointment.
Bambii: Well damn koolaid know the flava anyway you know where her office is ain't gotta stop by me.
August: But last time I didn't stop by you, you had sercurity bring my ass all the way back just to say hi😒.
Bambii:Wateva now I'm sayin bye.
I just shook my head and walked off. I went to the familiar door with glittered words and knocked. I heard a muffled come in. I opened the door and heard nun but Jacques Persian Rugs playing, I guess these rooms are soundproof cause I didn't hear not damn thang I closed the door and went to her stereo and turned her music down and she opened her eyes from singing and frowned she looked at me then her clock then back at me still frowning.
Persia: Why are you here so early?
Now was my turn to frown
August:I'm now here early I'm.. *I looked at my time and seen it was only 7:00 and my appointment wasn't until 7:30* I'm thirty minutes early" I mumbled
August:I'll come back if that's what you want or..
Persia: No your fine that just gives us more time to talk about your past.
August: OK
Persia grabbed her glasses and notepad and sat in the chair in front of the couch I was sitting on and turned to me.
Persia: OK now tell me something that you wished never happened.
I thought about and to be real the only thing I wished never happened was my brotha death.
August: I wish my brotha neva died.
Persia: Why? Do you mind telling me what happened?
August:Naw I don't, what happened was me and my brother used to slang rock back then cause my dad and step dad  was addicted to crack cocaine and we was helping my momma out when she found out she kicked me out and I was sleeping at the stoe on the corna'. Now one night I was sleep and just lettin da day go by and I wake up to see thirty missed calls from my momma and cousin so I call my cousin back like what's up and* I paused and start tearing up Persia sees that and hands me tissue* he-he tell me somebody done kilt my brother man I swea when he said that my whole heart fell to my ass I couldn't do shit about it cause I wasn't there I just feel like it could've been prevented he left my three beautiful neices and they momma down hea man. I mean at least I can say that his death pushed me to do better and I know he ain't worrying about me and if his daughta's gotta grow up around that shit man. I guess I can say at least he's in a better place.
*End Flashback"
Persia: Now how do you feel about when you shared this information?
August: I guess I can say I feel relieved cause' I used to beat myself up about and wish it was me instead of him and wonder if I could've been there to prevent it and stop it from happening  but at least I can say Mel in a betta' place now.
Persia: OK well August I guess you deserve a little something from my past.
August: Aw shit you finna tell me how yo parents was rich ass fuck and out you in this expensive ass college* He said with a knowing smile but little did he know my past was far from that.

Authors Note just to let y'all know I will not be editing nun of this til the end of the story that way I can hurry and finish and then go through and perfect it *creepy ass emoji*➡🙂

My Therapist (August Alsina)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum