.intro. [posting schedule, spoiler warning, content warning, etc.]

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Thank you for reading Land of Monsters! This introduction contains any necessary notes you may need before reading. If you're not worried about notes, spoilers, or certain content, skip this section after noting the disclaimer, and read away!

COVER CREDIT: Cover image and design © Margaret Smoke.

Disclaimer: Fallout 4 and Supernatural are copyright their respective creators and copyright holders. This is a work of fanfiction.

Original elements of the story, including unique portions of the plot, are copyright Margaret Smoke.

Posting Schedule: This work is complete. Chapters will be posted Thursdays, give or take a day to account for any schedule or technical issues.

This work is cross-posted to Ao3 and tumblr.

--- Spoilers/Timeline ---

Supernatural - vaguely takes place in early/mid s11.

Fallout 4 - the Sole Survivor is involved with all major factions, but no faction has been favored or made into an enemy; vague spoilers for expansions and add-ons in terms of new Companions, NPC factions known, and build-mode items available; spoilers for basics of Survival Mode; MAJOR Companion story spoilers for max affinity levels.

--- General Notes ---

I took some liberties with certain aspects of the Fallout world, mainly to account for the bridge between the "reality" of the Supernatural 'verse and the limitations of video games. My hope is they will barely be noticed. Also, I might have given one character something they don't usually have. You might not notice that either. Enjoy!


This story will contain the same level of mature language that Fallout 4 contains. Violence is present, but there are no graphic depictions. This work has been rated appropriately for this reason.

!! Specific Content Warning: Contains story spoilers! SKIP IF CONCERNED ABOUT SPOILING !!

The first chapter may be triggering to severe emetophobes. A character appears to suffer from radiation poisoning, but nothing is seen or depicted. Any other references to stomachs are in regard to nervousness, but nothing happens.

A mid-range chapter in the work contains one character drugging another character in order to interrogate them without resistance. A discussion about violating one's consent follows. The drugging is implied and the interrogation happens off-scene.

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