23.2|| Into the Void

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"Kyle?" Sam asked.

Nope, he couldn't do it. He burst out laughing again. "Your butt Sam? Gees, it didn't seem that big too me."

"Can you step on it? My arms are falling asleep."

"It's not my fault your butt's too big. Keep your pants on! Thought I doubt they'll fall off anyway..."

"Kyle!" Sam snapped. "I feel bad enough without you laughing your ass off."

"Sorry, kid. I just don't know how that's even possible. I mean your shoulders are wider and all and they didn't get stuck."

Silence. Then the sound of a slap as Sam probably hit his forehead.

"I'm such an idiot. I stuffed the diamond in my back pocket."

"So you found it?"

"Yeah, it was in a tiny room at the end of this tunnel. I'm telling you, turning around was a bitch."

"Why didn't you just crawl out backwards?"

More silence. "Shut up and move out of the way. I'm coming out."

Kyle yanked himself out of the tunnel. His shoulders and arms were now scratched as well as frozen, but who cared? They got the diamond and would go back to the others and out of those caves somehow and maybe, just maybe, not burn to death outside. Yeah, they still had a long way to go until they reached safety.

Sam finally crawled out and tossed the diamond at Kyle. He caught it and turned it over. It was roundish, just like the ruby and about the size of a large grapefruit. And Orange.

"Why's it orange?"

"Hell if I know." Sam sat next to him and rubbed his arms. "But I guess diamonds come in many colors."

"What if it's not a diamond?" Kyle asked.

"I'm pretty sure it's not. Just like I'm pretty sure the ruby is not a ruby. Sure, it's red, but... the structure seems somehow off."

Kyle turned the jewel in his hand. He'd never held such a large diamond and couldn't possibly compare its structure to one of a smaller diamond. But Sam had a point. It just felt off. It was too heavy for one thing. He crushed it in his hand.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked alarmed.

Kyle loosened his grip and handed the rock back to Sam. "Just testing something. I have a feeling I could change its shape if I tried hard enough. Which doesn't fit with how heavy it is. What is this thing?"

Sam turned the diamond over, too. "I don't know. But being something beyond a precious stone would explain why the agency and Snitch Gravel are chasing each other to get it."

They stood in silence for a few moments, then Sam finally sighed. "I guess we should go back."

Kyle nodded, and got to his feet. "Hold on to the diamond—whatever that thing is, tightly. It going to be short, but painful."

Sam nodded, and once again they jumped in the freezing water, dived under the wall, came out on the other side and swam towards the bank. There was light there, but seeing it was blueish, it was obvious the others couldn't light a fire.

Trying not to be too disappointed, Kyle stumbled out of the water, still dragging Sam after him and dropped into a sitting position. "Towels, clothes, something warm and dry," he said. His body was already trembling violently, and next to him, Sam wasn't doing any better.

A beam of light hurried towards them and Kyle looked up gratefully until he noticed the shotgun pointed at his face by a familiar figure.

"Calla?" he asked shocked.

Firebomb (The Jewel Project #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon