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"Well this isn't at all how I planned on my Saturday turning out."

Frank, who has not opened his eyes yet because that doesn't sound like something he wants to do, kind of just wants to stay here and never move. He's very warm. He's warmer than he usually is when he wakes up. It's a nice kind of warm but it's foreign. Frank can only remember this happening once before.

"Gerard?" Frank groans, still not moving.


"Oh okay so you are there then," Frank replies. He'd kind of thought that maybe he'd been dreaming about hearing his voice.

"What do you think?" Gerard asks.

"Well I just thought it might be a dream or something. So then yesterday happened, right?"

"Yeah," Gerard says, "well otherwise the fact that you're in my bed would be much more peculiar than it already is."

"Weird in a good way though?"

"Yes. Why are you not opening your eyes? I'm not that ugly."

"No!" Frank says, "I'm really comfy, I don't want to disrupt anything. I also don't really want to be awake. Are we going to have to move?"


"Ugh, that sounds awful."

"If it's any consolation, we get to go pick on Pete and Mikey."

"Well that's something. Where did Pete sleep? Do you think he slept in Mikey's bed? Do you think they cuddled?"

"If they did, then Pete will still deny it to himself that Mikey likes him," Gerard says.

"You think Pete will still doubt Mikey's intentions on their wedding day? Like he's going to get up there and be like 'hey Mikey, you sure that this isn't some kind of misunderstanding?'"

"If they have a wedding day, I suppose that's likely."

"What do you mean 'if'?" Frank asks.

"Well, I mean, we're teenagers. What are the odds that any of us are going to still know each other in ten years, let alone be married to each other?"

"What do you mean?" Frank asks, feeling a little insulted.

"Well like," Gerard says, sounding flustered at Frank's response, "I mean, you and I probably won't know each other in like two years, let alone whenever either of us get married, in like ten."

"Five years, actually," Frank says.


"Never mind," Frank says, a little panicked because he knows that they're going to get married in five years, but Gerard doesn't, so Frank should brush over that bit.

"Frank, I think that's wishful thinking though," Gerard says.

"So we're not going to know each other in five years at all?" Frank asks.

"Well, I mean, logically."

"That's a really shitty thing to say," Frank says, finally opening his eyes.


"You're amounting whatever the hell this is right now to your shitty little cynical point of view. Basically, you're saying that this can lead nowhere."

"I think you're taking that out of proportions a bit, aren't you?"

"No," Frank replies, "What's the point of even being here if it can't lead anywhere, huh?"

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