Chapter 2

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I'd been released from the hospital with a stack of paperwork that the nurse had given to Kim. He helped me up the stairs into the small house, and I hurried in to see my mother.

"Mom, I'm here! Where are you?" I yelled cheerfully throughout the house.

"Where's mom? She can't live alone, so she'd be with you, right?" I asked.

Kim avoided eye contact and stared at the worn boards in the floor, "She's gone, (Y/n). I didn't want to tell you while we were at the hospital."

"What do you mean she's gone, Kim? Is she at chemo or something?" I began to feel defensive, hoping the answer wasn't what I thought it was deep down.

"(Y/n)... she's.. she's dead." He paused for a moment, "She passed while you were out. She left this note for you and told me to give it to you when you woke up." He tightened the hug.

I couldn't believe it. I pushed him off of me and angrily looked him in the eyes, "No she's not. You're lying! Stop it!"

Kim hugged me as if I was a fragile, broken flower. He pushed my head against his chest as tears ran down his cheeks, keeping the palm of his hand on the back of my head.

I broke down into tears and uttered, "W-When did she--"

"About a month ago she just... died.. right after the fire that took our house in Greenport. I dropped out of college because the stress of you and Mom was too much."

I continued to sob into his shoulder for what seemed to be hours, but was only a few minutes.

I didn't get to say goodbye.. she must've been so worried.. this is all my fault!

When I had calmed down, he brought me into the living room and sat me down on the rugged brown couch he'd had since he moved out. Since we moved to New York, I lost my job in Greenport, so even if I could live by myself, I would eventually run out of money before I could get a stable job. I didn't have any degrees because I was a highschool dropout and never went to college, so I wouldn't be very accepted in the job industry.

This is such a mess...

I assumed that my brother had to use some of my money to pay for the house and medical expenses while I was gone, so I was technically broke except for the $2,000 I always kept stashed in my car's glovebox in case of an emergency. Even if I did get a job, there was no way I could sustain a household on my own. I felt too guilty to take money from Dad's old account. It was just too much.

"Kim, what about my medical bill? How am I going to pay for that?" My anxious thoughts bombarded me one after one.

"Don't worry about that. I'll eventually be able to pay it off. I need to get you settled somewhere. I thought maybe you could crash with me for a while.. to get back on your feet."

"You're not made of money, Kim! All of the bills --mom's medical bill-- and your college expenses weren't cheap, either! You can't do this on your own! Let me help!" I argued.

"You're my little sister. I need to take care of you, so no. You have money Dad left you."

"You're only 26! I'm an adult, too, and I can take care of myself! And I'm not taking money from his account!" I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. I grabbed my bag off of the table and barged into my room, shuffling through my dresser and throwing clothes into my duffle bag.

"(Y/n), come on, don't leave!" He grabbed my arm.

"Leave me alone!" I jerked my arm away from him. "I'll prove to you that I can live on my own!"

And I'm gonna find the guy that did this.. he obviously burned down my house too and... he killed our mom..

"You don't have to do this... please!" A tear fell from his eye as he begged me to stay.

Saeyoung x Reader: Hearts Of Glass (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now