20 → "JUMP"

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20 → "JUMP"

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20 "JUMP"

Adeline didn't have any time to think twice or let her fear get the best of her, because before her a swarm of Grievers were charging towards them.

"How the hell are we meant to get through that?" Rachel quizzed.

Nobody could answer Rachel's question, their attention more focused on their current situation. The Grievers familiar whirring and clicking noises bounced against the Maze walls as they continued to charge. Adeline gripped her machete, bracing herself. Harriet pushed her way through the crowd towards both Rachel and Aris.

"You know the plan." she rushed out. "We'll fight our way through the Grievers and try form a path. Both of you will head towards the Cliff. Hopefully there will be somewhere to punch in the code."

Aris and Rachel nodded in agreement, before Harriet turned to her.

"I want you to go with them." The words that left Harriet's mouth made Adeline raise her eyebrow questionably. "Don't look at me like that, I'm serious and we have no time to argue over this. We need you to go with them as you three figured this out."

All Adeline could do was agree, and she joined both Aris and Rachel, who shared a glance with one another. Harriet's voice broke out once more.

"Okay." Harriet nodded. "Let's go!"

Without another word, Sonya, Harriet and the group of girls charged towards the group of Grievers that had already been slowly charging towards them, weapons raised. What happened next passed in what felt like in slow motion; the girls fighting against the Grievers, the sound of their weapons coming in contact with the Griever's instruments. Adeline watched as the girls attempted to make an opening for them to get through, pushing the Grievers back towards the Maze walls. Slowly, the Grievers had pushed back towards the walls, and an opening slowly formed for them to get through. Then, as the opening became wide enough for them to get through, Aris tapped her shoulder, causing Adeline to turn to him.

"They've made an opening." Aris said. "Let's go."

"You remember the code?" She found herself asking. Aris grinned at her, nodding.

"Memorized it." He confirmed.

"Alright." Rachel breathed. "Let's go."

Adeline only nodded, as did Aris. After exchanging one last glance between the three of them, Aris reached out and grabbed both their hands. Adeline questioningly raised her eyebrow, and Rachel looked a bit taken back by it.

Stick together, let them do the fighting. Focus on getting to the Cliff. Aris said in their heads. Adeline agreed.

"Now!" Aris shouted.

Adeline took off in a sprint, tugging Aris and Rachel forward. Adeline was in front of them, leading them through the hallway filled with girls fighting against the Grievers. Determined, Adeline tried to blur out the fighting, ignore the sounds of the Grievers and the sound of weapons making contact with the instruments that protruded from their slimy bodies. They continued through, dodging past girls fighting. Adeline noticed what was the Cliff in the distance, almost there.

I can see the Cliff. We're nearly there. Adeline said.

Keep going then! Rachel's voice responded.

Grievers attempted to get to them, but girls pushed them back. Adeline made out Sonya whacking her wooden spear at the Griever, piercing through it's slimy body before using her other weapon, a large knife, to whack at its metal arm. A Griever got passed a girl, knocking her over and pouncing on the girl, piercing the girl several times. This distracted Adeline, causing the Griever to notice her. Fear made her come to a stop, freezing into place.

"Adeline!" Aris shouted at her. "Adeline —"

But Adeline was frozen, her feet felt like lead. Flashes of the time she was stung, invaded her mind. The Griever went to pounce on her, but Aris and Rachel were there, fighting it off. Other girls had joined to help them, forcing the Griever back, before Aris grasped her wrist and got her moving again. They kept going, until they finally made it to the Cliff.

"I'm sorry, I panicked!" Adeline barely got the words out.

"It's alright." Aris reassured. "Let's just focus on getting down there."

Adeline swallowed, gathering her wits, nodded. As they neared, they found six or seven vines running down the Cliff. The Mappers must've done this earlier when they came back and tossed rocks down over the Cliff. The Mappers must've pulled out ropes of Ivy and knotted them to others still attached to walls and lowered them down until they hit the bottom, but they looked like they didn't. They ran down until they disappeared into what seemed to be nothingness. Aris found a rock near his shoe, picked it up, then tossed it over the edge of the Cliff. It hurdled downwards, until it seemed to be gone. And then they heard it; a barely audible thump as the rock hit the bottom.

"Who first?" Adeline found herself asking. Nobody bothered to volunteer to go first, so Adeline offered. "Fine. I'll go first."

They didn't argue, but they were going to jump over anyway, so whoever went first didn't matter. Adeline shuffled her feet close to the edge, didn't bother to look over. She didn't want to freak herself out. Taking a deep breath, she didn't think twice.

"See you down there." she breathed.

Then, she jumped. Adeline leaped over the edge; her stomach went queasy as she dropped down. Adeline pointed her toes downwards, her arms straight at her sides as she catapulted downwards. As she hit the hole, her body went cold, like she stepped into cold water. The world went dark around her, and the moment she hit the bottom, she tried to land on both feet, but her feet didn't meet the ground on time and she slipped, crashing to the ground. Groaning, she got to her feet and dusted herself off. Then, she rummaged through her backpack until she found her torch light and switched it on, right as Aris came catapulting down towards her, knocking her over.

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