I cant stay away!

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Monday, why do you have to be a pain in the ass! The only good things about Monday is I get to see Harry again. I walked up to my locker wearing skinny jeans with Harry's shirt. I got to my locker and when I turned around Harry was right there. He had his hands on the locker so I couldnt escape just like the day before.

"You know I'm going to need that back right?" He said smiling. I made a puppy dog face.

"Fine, You look sexy in it anyways" Harry. We had a little make out secession again and Shelby walked by with Cameron her boyfriend. She was shocked that me and Harry where kissing because I forgot to tell her about are date. we finished kissing and he went to his locker. Shelby ran up to me.

"Did he just!?" Shelby

"YUP" me

"Are you two girlfriend and boyfriend?" Shelby

"We when on a date but not yet" me

"Lunch?" Shelby

"Sure me you Harry and Cameron?" Me

"Sounds like fun" Shelby. The bell rang and Shelby when with Cameron because they have all the same classes. Harry and I walked to first period, and he held my hand. I Love this guy. I Thought to myself.

Finally lunch came right after 4th period. 

"Babe I have to ask you something" Harry

"Ya..." Me

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Harry. Omg I just died inside! I want to be with him so bad.

"Of course" me we walked over to the table where Shelby and Cameron where at and they saw us holding hands. 

"I thought you said you weren't dating!?" Shelby

"He just asked me to be his girlfriend" Me

"And..." Shelby

"Obviously! Were holding hands!" Me

"I cant stay away" Harry. I was for sure in love with this man! He started to kiss me and I couldn't help but kiss he back.Are tongs explored are mouths again. He started to kiss my neck and he reached my sweet spot. I moaned! Shelby stared at me and Harry. I realized we where at school and I think so did Harry. He pulled away.

"muh" Cameron said. Shelby playfully hit him.

"You never moaned like that for me" Cameron said

It got a little awkward after that. 

As me and Harry walked to 5th period hand in hand he had a smirk on his face. I think he was happy because he made me moan in public. 

"stay with me tonight" Harry suddenly let out

"I want to, but" Me

"But stay with me at my place" Harry

"But my parents are very strict... they dont even know where toghether" Me 

"And if they find out?" Harry

"they ground me forever, transfer me and I would never be able to see you again" Me

"Babe, your 18 you should do what you want to do" Harry

"I know I hate it" Me

"Just come over for a little after school, I cant stay away" Harry 

"Ok Ill tell them I'm going to Shelby's because Monique's sick" Me

After school I went home.

"Mom I'm going to Shelby's for a little, we have a math test to study for" Me

"Ok dear but be back by 8" Mom. I gaped my stuff and my make up because I looked like a mess. I called Shelby as I drove to Harry's I told he my plan. I'm happy because i get 4:30 me hours with Harry alone. When I got to Harry's Harry told me he wanted to invite his 4 other best friends that he is in a band with. They would come with there girlfriends for a minni party/get together. He also said one of the five guys has something to tell the group so I was exited. 

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