"And then you tighten it like that, see?" Chris asks.

Sadie nods, "Yeah, I get it."

"Think you can do that?"

"I think so."

"Here, I have an idea." Chris says, undoing his tie, "We'll try together on mine so you can see what it's like."

Melanie smiles. Even on the most devastating days, Chris managed to somehow make things happy.

Chris and Sadie finish tying Chris' tie and he smiles, "There, see? You did it."

Melanie then makes herself known, "Am I interrupting?"

"No, of course not." Chris says.

Melanie sits down with them and puts Sadie on her lap, "How are you doing, sweetie?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Well, it's going to be kind of a long day and we're not going to have very many breaks in between. There's snacks down here, why don't you eat something?"

Sadie nods, "Okay. I'm gonna use the bathroom first though."

Sadie hops off of Melanie's lap and walks over to the bathrooms that were in the lounge. She then stops, as if to be thinking.

"No one's here, kiddo. You can use the boys' bathroom if you want to." Chris says.

Sadie pauses a moment more, then nods to herself and goes into the men's room.

Melanie exhales and turns to Chris, "Thank you so much."

"Of course. How are you holding up?"

"Well, unlike you, I don't really live the 'everyday is a funeral' lifestyle. This just sucks."

"Are a lot of people coming?"

"As far as I know."

"Will Sadie be okay?"

"I don't know. I mean, it's her father's funeral for the love of God."

"I didn't mean just that."

"What do you mean then?"

"Well, I know John's mom is dead, but is his dad going to be here? What about his other relatives? Do they have the same...views as John? Are any of John's past clients coming? Will Sadie be safe walking around here in a suit and tie?"

"Shit." Melanie hisses, "I didn't even think of that."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you more."

"No, it's okay. You're actually right."

"Look, you've got enough of your own problems to worry about. You focus on those and I'll stand by Sadie to make sure she's okay."

Melanie nods, "Okay...Okay, yeah. Thank you so much. We really need you today." She says before laying her head on Chris' shoulder.

Melanie had actually not been to very many funerals in her day. Before today, the only funerals she'd ever been to were that of John's mother some years ago, and Tori. Obviously no one likes funerals, but Melanie absolutely despised them to her very core because her first experience with a funeral was such a horrible one.     

Chris remembered that day pretty well too. He'd begged his parents to take him to the funeral home early so that he could be with Melanie for as long as possible that day. Eventually, they agreed. When they got there, his parents and Melanie's parents conversed in the lobby while Chris went into the main room where Melanie was.     

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