Chapter Five- Does he wear those weird pyjama shorts?

Start from the beginning

"She's probably irritated that you got in the way," I told him.

He quirked an eyebrow.

"Did you even stop to consider that she could handle herself?"

"Cherry, she was crying. I didn't stop to think about anything, I just saw red."

"Well, tell her that then! She probably feels you thought she was some stupid, pathetic little girl who couldn't stick up for herself, even though it's obvious that she can because she stuck up for that boy."

Josh stopped running and stared at me. "She thinks I think that?" He whispered.


"I am such an idiot."

"When it comes to love, we're all idiots," I told him, grinning and started running again.

"True that," he muttered.

"Something smells great," I said, skipping into the dining room, Josh hot on my heels.

Sam stares at me. "You did not just come back from a  four mile run..."

I felt my eyebrows furrow together. "Umm, yeah."

"I don't believe you."

"No, seriously. We went to the stables and back," Josh piped up, grabbing a hot cross bun from the table.

"But she looks like she just walked upstairs and back," Sam grumbled.

I giggled. "I gte that a lot."

"She's amazing," Josh said.

"Where's Jake?" I asked Sam.

"In his room. He's writing."

"Cool, see you at school?"

"Will you?"

"yeah, idiot, I'm in one of your classes."

"Which one?"

"I told you yesterday....Biology."

"We have that second period. Huh, I guess I'll see you then." he shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to change into my uniform.

I gazed at the mirror, and a sad girl looked back at me. I was scared. I had no idea how an American school worked. I kind of worked out it was a Private School because of the uniform, but I still didn;t know how it worked.

I knocked on Jake's door.

"Yeah?" He called.

As I walked in, my breath caught in my throat. Jake looked amazing in his school uniform. His jacket was left un-done, and his shirt was tight, and just see-through enough to show off his abs, but not enough to be inapropriate.

"Uh, Cherry?"

I looked up to see that Jake was looking at me with concern in his beautiful, steely blue eyes.


"You wanted something? You're staring into space."

"Oh. I just wanted to be with soemone because I'm really scared about today. I mean, I've never really been to an American school, obviously because I've lived in London all my life, and I don't know how they work. Do they really have those stupid clichés like in High School Musical? Do cheerleaders actually excist? Do Jocks wear their sport uniform around all day? Why do we have to wear a school uniform? All the movies I've seen about High schools don't have uniform in them and-" I was cut off when Jake's hand clapped over my mouth gently. I peered up over his hand, and his eyes were filled with amusement.

Living with the Lockhart Boys [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now