"I got needs too. One of those is the need to have a faithful man, but i guess those needs just won't be reached. "

To my surprise he started to laugh. "Adira you gon yell at me now and we gon make up later, it's the same thing everyday with you. And you wonder why I'm seeing someone else. I'm tired of the back and forth with you." Seeing someone. He finally confirmed what I had knew all along. He was far pass just having sex with these girls, he was giving them the same attention and love he that was supposed to be all mine.

"As in one person?" I asked.


"Who is she?" I questioned, my voice cracking as I did so.

"I ain't gonna do this in front of ya homegirl." He responded. Pointing to Shanicee who was there for backup, just Incase something popped off.

"I wanna know who she is. Who's the bitch you've been fucking behind my back? The bitch that calls when we're together? The bitch that doesn't care about fucking some Else's man? What's her name? Do I know her?"

He paused for a second, his cold state turning into a smile.As if he took pride in breaking my heart, as if it was all a game.  "Yea you know her. Y'all went to school together I think. Her name Angel."

I stood there at a lost for words. Of all possible people it was her. I was praying that it'd be one of these dirty broads so I could tell him that she wasn't wifey material, but no, it was Angel. I never really knew the girl but her body and face alone just screamed wife me and that pissed me off. It made me mad that he could just run off with some broad but it pissed me off that she was actually on my level.

"Don't bother calling me, coming to my house, don't even think about me Trevor. It's over."

"Because she fucked my man." I answered for the millionth time.

"Do you have any proof? Did you walk in on it?"

"Besides the fact that he straight up  told me he was fucking that bitch, while you were there, no I have no proof." I replied, sarcastically.

"He could've been lying." She argued. I love Shanicee but she thought because of the two year age difference that she could preach to me. Little did she know that her preach went through one ear and right out the other.She also loved to advocate for Angel and just about anyone that I did not like. I don't understand why she's always taking Angel's side anyways, the two of them aren't even friends. The only reason Shanicee knows of Angel is because of me.

"Can we just drop it. Why are you so caught up on the broad anyways? Y'all fucking? Oh lord my best friend is gay." I cupped the sides of my face in exaggeration.

"Man shut the fuck up, you know I can't live without dick. But on a serious note," I groaned, knowing the subject was about to end. "For real Adira. August? Really?"

"Shanicee I don't wanna hear it-" I attempted to cut the conversation short. I knew that she was going to lecture me about how wrong for me he was and about how I was just going to get my heart broken, basically everything that I've been hearing for years. The same speeches I was so tired of hearing. 

" Adira I'm trying to spare your feelings. Do you really want a repeat of-"

"STOP!" I cried out, catching the attention of a few of the other guest. "I don't want to talk about that and you know I don't want to talk about that. What happened happened okay. It was years ago."

"Adira I had to hold you when you cried, I had to sit up and watch my best friend destroy herself because her heart was broken. That killed me Adira. You were not the only one who felt that. I lost somebody too Adira. It effected both of us so don't sit here and act like it was only you because it wasn't. I have every right to be upset too. We both know this won't end well."

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