Taking a deep breathes, Margot clears her throat and clutch into her shoulder bag, and walk inside the building, entering through the glass door.

She went straight to the elevator and immediately went inside of it.

"Which floor?" The guy in a suit asked her.

Due to her nervousness. She really can't talk properly. She stuttered the words through her mouth "T-the m-main office, Twelve."

'Okay, that was freaking embarrassing. ' she thought.

The guy stared at her and chuckle. "You must be here for the job interview, huh?" He asked her and Margot nod at him.

He pressed the button and the elevator begin to went up on each floors.






The elevator stopped and opened reveiling two workers with a coffee  in both of their hands, discussing.

"Tenth please." They said sternly.





The elevator stopped again and the two workers walked out.

'Okay, two more floors and this is it.'




The elevator opened once again and before Margot could leave, the guy in a suit smiled at her and say "Goodluck."

The young blonde smiled back and nod her head. "Thanks"

She went outside and immediately saw a bunch of people waiting outside the big door of the main office. Patiently waiting for their turns.

Margot walk straight to the lobby and saw a young lady brunette. She was wearing a mid-length cream dress matching with a black coat. Her hair was pinned to the left side and her brown eyes was more emphasized by the eyeliner that she was wearing.

Yes, from the looks of her, you can see that she's very fierce and strict. And that made Margot much more feel intimidated.

Clutching very tightly to the strap of her shoulder bag, the young blonde got to the lobby. In front of the strict? Brunette.

"Good Morning, I'm here for the interview." The young blonde said.

The brunette turned away her eyes from what she was doing and lift her head up to the young blonde.

"Good Morning, you may sit down to the last seat and wait until your turn. You can settle yourself with a coffee, which is located on the right side and you can read some magazines over there too." The brunette says to the young blonde with a smile.

'Wow, she's not strict at all.' Margot thought.

In return, Margot nod at her and smiled. She turned her back at her and went straight to the seat next to a woman whose waiting just like her.


Margot spend her time waiting by watching the other applicants getting in and out of the big door. Observing their faces, finding an answer to the question 'how was the entire interview
Went.' Even spent her time on reading endless magazines and drank mostly 5 cups of coffee.

An half hour have passed and finally, the brunette came out of the door and say "Ms. Robbie, You may now come in."

'Okay, this is really it.'

Margot got up from her seat and flashed a smile on her. Bringing her shoulder bag with her and clutching tightly onto it, she took a few steps until she was finally in.

'You can't loose this chance, Margot'

Her mind was filled with her own thoughts and nearly did she realised that she was almost a minute standing by the big door.

A sound of someone who is clearing their throat brought back Margot to reality. So she straighten herself and cleared her throat aswell.

"Sorry." The young blonde said.

The woman in front of her flashed her a sweet and welcoming smile and opened her mouth to speak. "It's okay, you may now sit down here in front of my desk."

Margot's eyes widened from who's infront of her. Her inner teenage fangirling is present at that time. There she is. The main owner of the company. The one that Margot always dreamed to meet one day. Her inspiration,  Her role model. Constance Leto.

Her silver long hair was beautifully fell down above her chest.  Wearing a black dress and a red lipstick to match, you will know for sure that this woman is very powerful.

Taking a few steps into the front of her desk. There she sat down on the seat, infront of her. Margot wiped her cold sweaty hands onto her pencil skirt and force a smile to hide her nervousness and excitement.

"So your name is Margot Elise Robbie." The woman infront of the young blonde aspirant asked her.

"Yes ma'am." She replied.

'Don't you ever, like EVEN, MESS THIS UP.'

"You graduated Bachelor of Science in Psychology in University of New York. And have a one working experience as a Secretary on your previous company. Hmm, considering that it's a good position, Why'd you left your previous company?" Constance asked her again.

Margot gulped, as she remembered those events that she wanted to throw away completely into the trash and burned it into  ashes.

"Um, it's kind of confidential ma'am."

"Was it too personal?"

"Yes ma'am. And I really don't want to talk about it. If it's not that rude of you." She says carefully and politely.

Constance on the other hand, got the idea of what she was saying. And as much as she wanted to know more about it, she respected her decision and just let it go.

"Okay." She simply replied.

"So, why do you want to join the company?" She asked her again.

Margot flashed her a smile and begin to talk. "Well ma'am, as a matter of fact, I am such a big fan of yours." She paused.

'Okay, that's a little inappropriate. Change it!'

"I mean, since I was on my college days, I saw you on multiple magazines and saw your interviews about young aspirants on their dreams and to not stop until they finally reach it. You are my role model ma'am. And I wanted to be like you. And I think I can only achive that by joining your company." She paused.

"And I am very focused and goal oriented." She says finishing her sentence.

'I think I did good.' Margot thought.

Constance was left out of words for a moment, she just looked at the beautiful blonde infront of her with a little glint of amusement in her eyes.

Constance flashed her a sweet smile, but when she was about to speak, the young brunette came inside of her office and spoke,  interrupting them. "Sorry for my intrusion, but Ms. Constance,  the younger Leto wants to see you."

Sighing, she turned to her direction and speak. "Okay, let him in."

"Just a moment please." Constance turned her face to Margot on which the young blonde nodded, taking this opportunity to greet her beloved son.

Margot watched Constance as she walked towards the big door. She sighed and furrowed her eyebrows, "Younger Leto?..."

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