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Gerard was quiet for a few minutes after Frank kissed him.

"Frank," He said. "I want to be your reason."

"My reason?"

Gerard smiled at Frank. "Your reason to live."

That's when Frank knew. He knew that Gerard had worked his way into his head.

Gerard Way was now his reason to live.

And he hated it. His life was in the palm of Gerard's hand and he hated it.

He also loved it.

He didn't know what to think; what to feel.

"Frankie," Gerard said tearing Frank from his thoughts.

"What," Frank asked.

He wasn't being rude. He just sounded tired.

Gerard slid over to where Frank said and rested his head on Frank's shoulder.

"You're my reason, too."

Frank's heart broke. He didn't cry. It just made him sad that Gerard cared about him.

In his eyes, Frank saw himself as a fuck up. He saw himself as a mistake.

He didn't want Gerard to feel that just because he did.

He also didn't want to lose Gerard.

"I'm being selfish," Frank said to Gerard.



"I have a question-"

Frank glared at Gerard. "I was talking."

Gerard just smiled. "I know what you were going to say. Now, I have a question."

"Fine," Frank sighed. "What?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Frank's heart actually sped up and he blushed.

Who would've thought Gerard would ask him to be his boyfriend?

Frank wanted to ask, " Why? Why was Gerard going through so much trouble to be with him."

And he did.

Gerard's wise response was:

"Love makes you crazy."

"You don't know me enough to love me."

Gerard laughed. "So four years isn't enough for you?"

Gerard sighed. "So is that a no?"

Frank thought for a moment and came to a conclusion.

He couldn't let Gerard get away.

"Sure. I mean, I'll be your boyfriend."

Gerard jumped up and smiled down at his new boyfriend.

"You're serious?"

Frank smiled up at him. "Yeah."

Gerard bent down and kissed Frank's cheek.

"I was afraid you'd reject me again."

"Me too. I made a mistake then, Gee."

Gerard locked eyes with Frank. "I know now."

"Hey, do you want anything to eat or drink?"

Frank followed Gerard into the kitchen and Gerard told Frank to sit at the breakfast bar.

"Whatcha cooking," Frank asked as Gerard pulled out a pan and other stuff.

"French toast. You're okay with that, right?"

Frank grinned. "I love French toast."

"I know."

Frank forgot how much Gerard knew him.

Gerard knew him better than he knew himself.

Frank pulled himself out of his thoughts and focused on Gerard.

He obviously knew how to cook. He looked so focused and it made Frank smile.

"Done," Gerard said turning to face Frank.

He handed Frank a plate with his food placed neatly on it and sat beside him.

"How is it?"

Frank smiled, his mouth full of food.

"Fuckin' awesome."

Gerard laughed. "I'm glad," He said and began to eat too.

Gerard was usually self-conscious about eating around other people but it was Frank.

He shouldn't be scared to eat around him.

"You okay?"

Gerard looked over at Frank.

"Yeah. I'm okay. Just thinking."


"I used to be scared to eat around people. I still am, actually. But with you... I'm not? I guess."

Frank smiled. "I'm glad you're not. You shouldn't be. You're perfect."

"I'm fat."

The look of hurt that crossed over Frank's face made Gerard regret saying anything.

"Gerard! You're still thinking that?"

Frank understood why.

Those damn bullies.

"Gerard," Frank said turning towards Gerard. "You're perfect."

"No I'm not."

Frank kissed Gerard's lips. The taste of mint and syrup lingered on his.

"To me, Gee, yeah you are."

Gerard's heart warmed from Frank's words.

"Whatever," He said with a smile.

Frank laughed and sat back in his chair.

"Are we gonna be publicly a thing?"

Gerard looked over at Frank when he spoke.

"Do you want to," Gerard asked.

"I don't know. What about those assholes. I don't want them messing with you anymore."

Gerard smiled sadly. "They're always gonna mess with me, Frankie. You know that. I'm a screw up, remember?"

"Well so am I, Gee."

"I know. That's just another reason why I love you."

Frank blushed. "Gee?"


"I love you, too."

Gerard stood and kissed Frank's cheek.

"Not yet you don't."

Frank was shocked by his words but he knew just the same.

He knew he didn't love Gerard.


He will though.

He just has to allow himself to.

I made this chapter shorter bc it felt more rushed?
I don't know
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Please vote!

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