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Iyana hadn't felt this elated in a long, long time. Megan had quickly asked Iyana to be her girlfriend right after their little session, and Iyana had nodded and said yes, giving her another kiss before tugging her hand.

"Let's go to the feast." Iyana said happily, linking their fingers together. Her face was stretched in a constant smile, something she hasn't worn in a very long time.

"I look like shit." Megan said, surprised with herself. She never swore, it was one of the things that she didn't really enjoy doing. But she had heard Iyana swear so much, that it had quickly rubbed off on her.

Iyana gave a small laugh and picked up her wand, waving it in front of the Hufflepuff's face. "I've got magic for a reason. We go to a magic school!" With a few short incantations, Megan's hair was neat and her eyes weren't red, and her clothes were cleaned.

"What a doll." Megan said quietly, giving Iyana a small smile. As they exited the nook, Iyana let go of Megan's hand, and the other gave her a look of understanding.

Same-sex couples weren't that smiled upon at Hogwarts, or anywhere in general. There was still a strong sense of traditional marriage during these times, so they both knew they would have to lay low. Continue to act like good friends to the public, while being themselves in private.

Iyana's mind was reeling, and her whole body seemed to be tingling. She felt like she was on cloud nine, somewhere she had never been before. When Megan nudged her softly, she broke out into a small fit of giggles and blushed, staring at the Head Girl.

"What a dork." Megan rolled her eyes playfully, getting Iyana to cross her arms.

"Are you insulting me?" Iyana tried her best to make her words seem sad, and gave Megan the best puppy eyes she could muster.

Megan's eyes went wide and she immediately wrapped Iyana up in a hug, "No! Of course not!"

Iyana smirked behind Megan's head and burrowed into her arms, continuing the little façade of being sad. "Why would you say something like that to me?" At the end of her sentence, her voice turned to a snicker and Megan pulled away abruptly, eyes narrowing in on Iyana's smirk.

"You devil. Let's go eat." Megan shook her head and the pair made their way to the Great Hall, where Megan seemed to enjoy the festivities and Iyana enjoyed being around Megan.


That night, Iyana made her way into the common room, her stomach bursting with all the good food that she had just eaten. The house elves had really outdone themselves, and all of the students had toddled out of the great hall that night, ready to go to bed. Iyana eyes were half closed as she mumbled the password to the wall, going inside of the Slytherin room and collapsing on the sofa.

"You eat a lot?"

The girl smiled towards the voice of her favorite first year, nodding slowly. "Everything just tasted so good. I couldn't help myself. "

Logan laughed and sat down on the floor next to her, nodding, "I ate a lot, too, but I think I can handle it. I don't feel all too sleepy."

"Go take a hot shower. I'm sure you will be after that." The prefect decided to take her own advice and stood, "I'm actually gonna take a cold shower and wake up. I still have to do patrols tonight and I don't think anyone's going to be up after that feast."

Logan nodded and watched her go. She didn't notice his eyes turn dark when she turned away.


Iyana had just finished her rounds and was now climbing into her room when she noticed a little letter on the bed. Thinking it may just be from a teacher, she decided to just get ready to sleep. So she did, pulling out some comfy clothes from her wardrobe and getting into them, brushing her teeth and all that jazz.

Soon, she had put her wand next to her bed and she'd climbed in, opening the letter. After reading it, her heart nearly stopped and she couldn't tear her eyes away.

"I know what you did with her and I am not pleased."

Angels and Demons : H.P.Where stories live. Discover now