"Why are you here?"

Gerard looked down at Frank. "You don't have to kill yourself."

Frank sniffed. "Yeah I do, Gerard. I have no reason-"

"You will," Gerard said softly. "You will have a reason. I promise."

Frank sat up. "After two years of ignoring me, now you want to talk?"

Gerard bit his lip. "Frank, you're the one ignoring me."

Frank was about to argue but gave up.

"I can't have friends."

He stood up then and looked down at Gerard. He looked about as broken as Frank felt.

Two years ago, Gerard had tried to kill himself and it was Frank's fault he wanted to.

Now, it was visible Gerard was still broken.

"I'm sorry," Frank said before running off.

He ran to his house. Into his room. Away from everyone.

About a week ago, Gerard had been trying to talk to him and he completely blew him off. Why? Because Frank Iero can't have friends. That might as well be his motto, huh?

Well, Gerard might be the one to put an end to that. Gerard's the one person who knows Frank. The one who truly undersood him.


Frank jumped up from where he laid on his bed. He'd fallen asleep.

Shit, He thought.

His mom appeared into his view.

"Get your useless ass up and get ready for school."

"Yeah, whatever."

His mom slapped him before walking out.

He refused to cry. He should be used to it by now, right?

He took a shower, got dressed, brushed his teeth, and rushed out and walked to school.

Halfway there, Gerard had caught up to Frank and was walking beside him.

"I want to show you something," Gerard said to Frank.

They stopped walking and Frank turned towards Gerard.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you mind ditching today?"

Frank actually laughed. A completely quinine laugh.

"You, Gerard Way, are actually suggesting we ditch school?"

Gerard laughed and bumped Frank shoulder with his hand.

"Is that a yes or a no?"

"That's a yeah."

Gerard turned and walked in the direction they'd came.

"Where are we going?"

Gerard didn't answer; just kept on walking.

Frank rushed to catch up with him.


"I want to show you something okay? It's in my room."

Frank stopped walking. "Aren't your parents home?"

Gerard turned towards Frank. "Do you think I'm dumb?"

"Well, since you asked," Frank said with a slight smile.

"Careful, Frank. You're happiness is showing."

That shut Frank up and they walked to Gerard's house in silence.

Frank was wondering why he was being so playful around Gerard. He couldn't help it.

"Come on," Gerard said grabbing Frank's hand and pulling him inside of Gerard's house.

He hadn't been inside of Gerard's house in years. Ever since two years ago, things had been awkward.

"Here," Gerard said pulling Frank into a room he remembered well.

It was Gerard's bedroom.

Gerard was pulling out papers as Frank glanced around. It hadn't changed much. Just now pictures and comic book parts covered the one mirror in Gerard's room and Frank knew why.

"Frank," Gerard called and Frank turned.

Gerard was sitting on the floor in front of papers.

Frank sat across from him and studied the papers. They were his drawings.

"They're not very good," Gerard said bashful.

Frank was at a loss for words. Each drawing was amazing. They were drew in the format of a comic book.

The Fabulous Lives of the Killjoys.

"Gerard," Frank whispered meeting Gerard's eyes. "They're fucking amazing."

Gerard actually blushed, shocking them both.

"Oh, well, thanks."

Gerard smiled at Frank. "I have a question."


Gerard bit his lip. "Are you okay with being here? Be honest."

Frank shrugged. "It's okay. Gerard, I'm sorry. For what I did back then-"

"It's fine, Frankie."


Frank felt something when Gerard said that and he knew exactly what it was and it scared him.

Letting Gerard in was a mistake.

But, for once, he didn't care.

Gerard made him feel like something. Like he mattered. He was starting to think Gerard actually cared.

That's when he met Gerard's eyes. That's when he leaned forward.

He kissed Gerard and he wasn't even mad or regretting it.

Question was: Did Gerard like it?

When Frank pulled back, they made eye contact.




Frank didn't know what to say because he didn't know.

"Because I wanted to."

Gerard laughed. "I'm glad you did."

Me too, Frank thought.

He didn't say it because he was afraid.
Right then, he was afraid of Gerard. He was afraid of what would happen. He was afraid.

You will have a reason. I promise, Gerard had said.

Frank hadn't believed him when it was spoken but then... He wasn't so sure.

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