Chapter Thirty Five

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She heard her name. Of course, she had been laying here for too long and father's patience must be running thin. She needed to return to the ceremony.

Using her elbow to push herself up, she sat upright on the bed.


He walked over to where she sat and sat beside her. Holding his arms open, she fell into his embrace.

“I am so sorry I have brought such disgrace to this kingdom” She whispered as she laid her head on his chest, listening to his beating heart.

“No” His chest rose and fell as he spoke. “I am actually very proud of you, Eve. You have single handedly ended the war”

“What?” She pushed away and stared at him. “Father, what is this you speak of?”

“I accept the treaty” She smiled at his words through tear stained face.

“Why? I mean, of course I am happy, Father, I just need to know why”

“Because I was wrong. All these years, we were all wrong. But you, Eva, you and this King Mark, you were always right”

“No” She shook her head, hair strands falling on her face. “All these weeks, I thought Mark loved me but I was wrong. He tried to kill me, Father. He sent this man and tried to have me killed. I can only be thankful that I could defend myself and I managed to escape” She said, watching to see anger in Father's eyes. But, nothing. He watched her in compassion.

“Why do I find this hard to believe?”

“Well, it's true” She sniffed. “Mark is a liar!” Tears filled her eyes once more.

“Do you want to go back to the ceremony, do you want to decide on another man?” He watched her.

Of course not! But could she say that to Father? Could she tell him she wanted nothing to do with any of those princes, that she would rather just remain in the palace with him?

She stared at him and shook her head, tear drops falling from her eyes.

“Why?” He quietly asked.

“Because I am in love with Mark and I simply cannot bear the thought of being with any one else” She tearfully admitted. “I am so foolish, Father. How can I love someone who wants me dead?”

The King said nothing as he pulled her close and wrapped her in an embrace that reassured her; she didn't have to decide, she could stay.


Alex rode as fast as he could but he just could not catch up with the King who rode with such speed out of the city gates. Finally at the sea port, the King had no choice but to bring his horse to a halt.

“Your Majesty” Alex ran to his side before he could board the ship. Mark stopped briefly but didn't turn around. “If you don't mind my asking, why are we in a hurry?”

“She rejected me, Alex” Mark whispered.

“I know that, I heard her” Alex said. He had seen Eve turn the king away but he couldn't help but feel that there was a reason for it, a reason they had to find out. “But I know, your Majesty, that Princess Eve loves you and she must have a reason for rejecting you. If we can go back...”

“Enough!” Mark interrupted him. “I have done all that I can, Alex. You saw me. Eve has her mind made up”

Alex, damning the consequences, walked over to stand in front of Mark. He saw that Mark had tears running down his face. Embarrassed, Alex glanced down and bowed his head.

“I cannot let you turn your back on her, Your Majesty. You might insist on returning to Graceland but I will not go with you until I have spoken to the princess”

“You will defy me for her?”

“No, Your Majesty, I will defy you for both of you. You must forgive me”

He turned his back and mounted his horse. Turning the horse around, he rode back to Celin.

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