Chapter Thirty Two

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Celin came alive with the arrival of many royal Princes from many kingdoms that morning, all of whom sort the Princess' hand in marriage.

From her bed room window, Eve watched as many royal carriages lined the streets. She had written a letter personally to every one of those princes, requesting their presence at her proposal. And while she secretly prayed they would ignore her, they had shown up.

She took a deep breath and turned away from the window. She had a long day ahead.

“Have you decided on a fabric for the dress, Princess?” The dress maker's blue eyes inquired.

“I might” She lied. She hadn't but she needed to. Her gaze fell on one of the many fabrics. “I like the silver one” She pointed at the fabric spread across her bed.

“Great choice” The woman said.

She stood for the next two hours as the dress was fitted perfectly to her body frame, needles and pins piercing her once in a while. When that was done, she was given a warm bath and had to sit for another three hours for her hair and make up to be done perfectly.

Six hours later, she was ready to go down the stairs to welcome the Princes and to pick one to settle down with.


It did not take long to find the vale of poison used to kill the king hidden in one of Raphael's shoes. Confronted with the evidence, Raphael chose silence instead.

Mark was crowned king immediately in a small ceremony involving only the Royals. His first decree was to exile his cousin Raphael.


Deep breaths, Eve. Be brave, choose a man. Father said he trusts you to make the right decision. Well, you cannot let him down. Surely, they cannot all be so bad. She encouraged herself as she walked down the stairs and to the throne room where her presence was announced before she walked through the sea of people that crowded the room, their eyes following her every move.

The King sat on his throne, Chris to his right hand side and the Queen to his left. Her seat stood empty beside the Queen.

She made her way up the stairs of the throne and settled in her place.

The king motioned with his hands for everyone to quiet down. Once the room fell silent, the event proceeded immediately.

A prince stepped forward.

“State your name and your purpose” A loud voice sounded. She did not bother to know who it was.

Her heart began to pound wildly in her chest. How many princes had come for her, who would she choose?

“Prince Reign of Amadeen, here to seek for Princess Eve's hand in marriage”

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath as she felt the whole room turn to her. She was to give her answer immediately.

She opened her eye. “Your Majesty, I am honoured by your interest in me.”

The Prince smiled at her words and nodded his head.

“However, I will have to decline your offer”

Without a word, the Prince nodded his head and walked away.

She heaved a breath as another Prince took the stand. He stated his purpose but she turned him down. Five more took the stand but she turned them all down. She had no idea what she was doing but she just did not want to be with any of them. At some point, she could no longer pay attention enough to even see their faces. She just kept quoting the phrase that she was not interested, over and over again.

She waited for the next Prince to take the stand, barely paying attention. She would turn him away anyway.

“State your name and your purpose” The voice called.

“King Mark Claudius the second, King of Graceland”

A loud gasp followed as her head jerked up in surprise.

“ to seek the Princess' hand in marriage”

Hey lovelies. Welcome to a new week. Sorry this chapter is coming in late, I'll try to make up for it. Like I said, I'm doing my best to round up this story. Please be a bit patient.

Ps, Eve's gown above.

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