Chapter Eight

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“It was wonderful! Mark is everything I imagined he would be. Everything and more!” She squealed. “He is charming, exciting, oh so playful, funny, polite, he is a bit of a book worm; I don't know how I feel about that but other than that, he is perfect!” She announced as her cheek turned pink.

She propped herself on the bed and laid back. Adrianna watched her and said nothing. What could she say anyway? She was in so much trouble; Eve would punish her for her insubordination the previous night. She glanced down.

“Oh, Adrianna, don't look so sad!” Eve touched her chin. “I forgive you” She glanced up and was greeted by Eve's smile. “But you must never disrespect me. I might be pretending to be your slave but I'm still your Princess and you will remember that” She said and Adrianna nodded. “I assured Mark I would visit as often as I can.” She announced.

“But Princess Eve, that will be dangerous. The Queen placed me under oath never to let you out of my sight. I'm afraid I have failed to keep my promise”

“Mother is not here. Plus, I'm safe. There is no need to worry. I do however worry about eventually telling Mark the truth about who I am”

Adrianna looked at her in horror. She couldn't let Eve reveal the truth to Mark, he would despise Adrianna and she couldn't live with the thought of him hating her. Yes, as ridiculous as it may sound, she had fallen in love with Mark. It had been love at first sight for her. She had dreamt of him all night and when Eve had left her alone in the room, her thoughts had focused on him. She sighed. She was doomed. She could never compete with Eve for Mark but she could separate them.

“I doubt that is a good idea. Telling Mark the truth will make you a liar and you know how women who lie and considered women of easy virtue in Celin. A woman must never lie. A man maybe, for men are born that way. But a woman, never!” She sat beside Eve and touched her hand. “My Princess, what ever this is between Master Mark and you, it will come to an end really soon. You have less than two months to return to Celin.”

“I know” Eve groaned. “But, I must make the best of it while it lasts”

“I do, however, have some pleasing news” She announced and Eve glanced up, excitement in her eyes. “A Letter arrived this morning while you were gone. It's from Prince Christopher, your brother” She said as she rose up and walked towards the drawer. She pulled it open and grabbed the letter. Walking back to the bed, she handed it to Eve who looked almost ready to burst with excitement.


My lovely Evie,

I hope this letter meets you in good health. I have missed your feisty self. Your absence in the palace and the entire kingdom, I must say, is greatly missed. Father is basically clueless without you. I got in so much trouble with father the other day when I announced, after three boring hours of sitting in a royal meeting, that I needed to use the toilet. Father found my announcement insulting and gave me a long boring lecture on how a Prince must never let the world know that he has a bowel and uses it. Yes, I found his lecture ridiculous too!

Eve put down the letter and threw her head back in laughter. Her brother, Chris was a ridiculous clown who had no interest, whatsoever in being King. Father had done all that he could to train Chris but Chris was stubborn and unresponsive to training. She, on the other hand, had great interest in matters of the kingdom. Oh, the look of horror father must have had on his face when Chris announced to royal Statesmen and Chiefs that he needed to be excused because he had to use the toilet! She picked up the letter and continued.

As you know, I'm not much of a prince. I'd rather just travel the world. Nature has played a cruel joke on both of us.

Things are pretty normal around here. Mother is still the same bossy woman you left behind and father is ever grumpy. Like I said, normal. I must stop here. Until you return, enjoy your freedom, little one. Everyone is counting the days it will end. We love you!!

PS, you must know by now that father sent some guards to keep you safe, right? I'm sure you do, you are smart.

Your Princely Brother,

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She missed Chris, she missed her family. She would see them soon of course but seeing them soon would mean saying goodbye to Mark and she didn't look forward to it. Unless of course, Mark would come to Celine with her.

Author's note:

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