Chapter 5 - Some Sarcasm Included

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[ Chapter 5 - Some Sarcasm Included ]

"Bloody hell." I cursed as I scrambled to my feet.

Draco looked probably as horrified as I did. There was actual, tangible proof of magic being performed around Muggles. We had to get rid of that.

"So you recognise yourselves then?"

I shrugged, trying to convey some feeling of calmness. "We didn't admit to anything, random stranger that we probably don't know."

"I must have forgotten to put on my charm this morning." He grinned. "But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm Clint Barton, or as you probably know me as, Hawkeye."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Okay, and? What's your point in showing us this?"

"Usually when people introduce themselves, they expect it to be a two-way thing."

"And usually, we would, but you seem kind of suspicious, Mr. Barton." Draco said coolly, maintaining a cold facade.

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we'll be going now, as you have no right to question us about anything. Good day." I gave a cold smile, and we both walked away in the direction of our apartment.

"How do we get rid of that footage?" Draco hissed at me, eyes darting around and looking for any signs of danger.

"I'm not sure. We might have to infiltrate their headquarters, maybe some memory charms- oh, no."

In front of us were several people, except the huge green monster. Or should I say, the 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes'. At least they were wearing somewhat normal clothes this time..?

"Well, where are you going?" Tony Stark, the billionaire said. "The party just got here."

"We're going to die." Draco said quietly, surveying each person intently.

"Be positive."

"I'm positive we're going to die." He replied.

I rolled my eyes at him and gave him a small shove. "I won't let you die before your first date with Harry, relax."

"Oh for f-"

"Hey, other random stranger we don't know." I said cheerfully, talking loudly over Draco's response. "We're just going home, our... mum is expecting us at," I checked my new watch. "At one, actually. And she gets really, really mad if we don't get back on time."

"Yes, so we should get going now." Draco offered a fake smile. "See you some other day."

"Woah, not so fast." Captain America, I think, said. "First, we need you two kids to come with us."

"I'm dreadfully sorry, but our mother told us to never go with strangers." Draco said, trying not to laugh.

"Even if they offered us sweets." I added. "You don't happen to have any sweets on you, do you?"

"Cut the sarcasm, you two." Black Widow ordered.

"Sorry, but we can't help being sarcastic, you're all random strangers, after all." I smiled.

"I do not understand. What is this 'sarcasm'?" Thor asked, confused.

"I'll explain it to you later. After we get this done." Tony said.

"Why are you here anyway?" I said innocently. "I'm not aware that we broke any laws. Or did anything entirely evil."

"They're like Tony, oh my God. How are there more of you?" A quiet man who was standing next to Tony groaned.

"We just want to ask you a few questions, kid." Clint said, after he arrived, panting from running after us.

Draco rolled his eyes. "We aren't kids."

"Correction, you are, but I'm not." I smiled at Draco.

"Oh, shut up." Draco rolled his eyes. "it was just seven minutes!"

"Please come willingly with us, or we will have to use force." Captain America said.

"We'll need a few minutes." I said as Draco and I turned our backs to them.

I looked at Draco. "What the hell should we do?"


"Well, obviously. But how do we run?"


"And show them that we can teleport? Yeah, maybe not."

"But we also need to delete that footage.."

I sighed, glancing back at the group, who were trying to pretend that they weren't staring at us.

"We'll head home first, ask some advice from mother and father, maybe? I have other contacts too. We'll head them off, and split up. Try not to use your wand. And non-verbally if possible." I whispered. "After we're done with them, get back to the apartment. Got it?"

Draco nodded once more. "Good luck."

"Same to you. And don't worry about the Statute of Secrecy." I winked at him. "They'll be fine."

He frowned but decided to believe me anyway, and we turned back to the Avengers.

"We have both come to a decision." I said, hopefully with a straight face.

"Good to see you have a head on your shoulders." Clint said smirking.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "We never said we'd come peacefully."

I waved my hand and casted a spell that created fog, and they were quickly lost, some stumbling around and others calling to each other.

"Draco, split." I said to him and we ran in different directions.

Locomotor Wibbly. Tony stumbled and fell to the ground before his armour reached him. I quickly cast Finite when I was far enough, as he was one of them who could find us quickly even with fog.

I kept running. A few minutes later, I cursed as I nearly got hit with a metal shield.

"Watch it! I could have been killed!"

He just threw it again at me.

I dodged again and frantically searched my mind for a hex of some sort or even a charm. Then I got one.


A blindfold appeared over his eyes and he tripped over a tree root and rolled over.

"Sorry!" I apologized. It was manners after all.

I stopped at a tree for some rest. I seriously needed to exercise. No pun intended.

Homenum Revelio.

I could feel no presence near me. They must have been left behind. I hoped Draco was already at the apartment.

We probably just attracted trouble. Again. Bloody hell, the universe must hate us.

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