The New Roommate

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Kaylub walked inside to be enveloped by the sound of yelling. He covered his sensitive ears and kept walking until he came upon the source of the yelling...the Avengers seemed to be having an argument. "He can't stay here." Thor said glaring at Iron man.
"And why not? Are you scared of him? He's just like Widow and Hawkeye." Tony argued. They group kept arguing it seemed that Thor, Loki, Hulk, Ultron, Vision, Scarlett Witch, Quicksilver, Ant man, and Black panther were against Ironman, Bucky, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Falcon. They looked like they were about to fight, as Kaylub stepped in.
"Sorry to intrude before you kill one another." He fake smirked as he got suprised looks and glares.
"Oh Kaylub-" Ironman started.
" me Usinagi." Kaylub said correcting him. He nodded with a smirk.
"Usinagi follow me I'll take you to your room." He nods and gives a quick smile show to the people who were glaring. "Sorry about my teammates they are on edge ever since...never mind. Here we are, you're free to roam around...just be careful." Kaylub rolls his eyes leaving Ironman and entered "his" room. He placed his stuff on the ground and flopped onto the bed. Ugg if they fight like that over everything...then I won't last the required year...and what was he going to say? To tired to dive into.
He thought as he fell asleep on the bed.
Vision entered the room with Scarlett Witch. They went over to the sleeping form and Scarlett went into his head making him flinch and whimper. He jolted awake, grabbed Scarlett and pined her to the bed and held a dagger to her neck. The two were in shock as Vision was about to fight a tear landed on Scarlett's face. They then heard the quiet sobs that filled the silence. "Why...why did I live?" He then collapsed back on the bed. Scarlett moved away silently and quickly.
"What..." Vision stopped the thought when he saw Scarlett Witch shaking her head tears in her eyes.

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