The Decision

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"Why do I have to do this?" Kaylub asked the director of S.H.I.E.L.D his voice raised but showing no other signs of anger.
"You are the only one who isn't on a mission. Now this is your mission." Fury said as Kaylub sighed running a hand through his soft black locks then rubbed the back of his neck slightly irritated.
"Fine how long is this "mission" going to last?" He asked hoping for a short time.
"A year," Fury said as Kaylub sighed again knowing there was no point in arguing. He exited the office and went to his room packing up what little items he had in a suit case and left the place he called home for the past 5 years.
"Kaylub are you really going to spend a year with the Avengers?" He heard agent G, his friend, asked following behind Kaylub who was traveling towards the jet.
"Yeah G if you don't hear from me every month then you know who to blame." He said jokingly. He went on the jet and just sat down giving a brief nod of acknowledgment to the pilot before drifting into thought.
"Agent Usinagi we're here." The pilot said as they landed on Avengers tower. He sighed and got up. Sending a small, fake, gratitude smile the pilots way, he left.

The Cold Agent (A Avengers Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें