3)Parties & Flashbacks.

Start from the beginning

We heard footsteps and turned to see Mars running towards us with a big smile.

We got in the car and fall back to our usual routine.


"NOOOOO...PLEASE!"Mars whined, as I picked a lipgloss to apply to her lips.

We were getting ready for Drake's Birthday party, at my house.

Mars never liked wearing makeup and dresses, she just liked wearing comfy clothes and no makeup, not even lipgloss.

'Whats the use?its just waste of money!We should be happy as we are! ' She had once said.but if I was as pretty as her, I wouldn't be worried either, just saying.

She really was pretty . With her brown slightly wavy hair falling on her back and her heart shaped narrow face.She had blue eyes that were filled with life.

"Look honey, we can do it the easy way,or the hard way!" I tried to say threatingly.

"Really, that all you got?"she said rasing her brows and looking at her nails as if she was bored of this conversation.

I groaned inside my head.

Its not like I wear too much makeup, just lipgloss and some eyeliner sometimes.When I feel like it I add a little mascara.I dont like caking my face with makeup or applying makeup alot.I just think a little lipgloss or eyeliner never hurts.

"Look,Drake is your date tonight, kind of, and you have to look your best.I mean I love you like you are and I am sure Drake likes it that way too but please its a party and a birthday and you look sooo damn pretty!" I practically begged, I mean using the puppy dog face and all.

"Look Nix, thats what I am saying, if Drake wants me to be his kinda-date, he will have to accept me like this, I am not changing myself for him " she said as if this was the end of discussion.

Well na-aw,missy, not in my place.!literally!

"Look what you are saying is right! but for me please! pretty please! just a little lipgloss and liner! Please..... it won't even look like you have done anything" I just kept begging.

"Then what's the point!!?"she asked, raising her hands to put emphasis on her frustration

"My satisfaction!" I replied.

"Don't you like me as I look?" she asked, faking a hurt expression.

"You know thats not what I meant ! stop trying to blackmail me, its not working!" I retorted, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, like your puppy dog face is!" She replied.

Now it was my turn to fake a hurt expression.

She just stuck her tongue out at me.Classic Mars.

"Look you already got me into these shoes and this dress, I am not putting-" she all of a sudden stopped, putting her hand on her belly making a hideous expression.

"Mars?"I started getting worried.
She lifted her face, hands on her mouth as if she was about to puke.

"Heyyy..." I moved closer to her, putting my hand on her shoulder.
She lowered her hands and breathed out "make up on my face"


I was taken aback.What is she -Oh that girl! Urghhhhhh!

"You just did all that to make a damn point! really! You know what? I dont care what you say, after the act you just pulled , you are gonna pay for it, and you are going to apply makeup! I won't hear no for an answer " I yelled in one breath.

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