Chapter Eight

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Picture of Cody ---------->

Chapter Eight~

I never wanted this moment to end. It was so perfect. The way my body fitted perfect with Chase's. I never wanted to let go. But I knew I had to.

I slowly unwrapped my arms away from his body and looked up into his blue eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

I knew I should say no but something inside of me disagreed, "Yeah, I trust you."

His face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning as he said, "Thank you. I would never hurt you Faith, I love you."

my heart swelled as he said he loved me. My smile grew larger when I seen the truth in his eyes. He did love me Someone actually loves me!

I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off to the office door slamming open and a very pissed off Cody came storming in.

Chase glared at Cody as he pushed me behind him.

"What do you want, Cody?! I'm trying to talk to my mate!" He yelled.

I smiled again when he called me his mate in front of my brother.

"I don't really care if your talking to my sister right now." Cody snapped. Chase knew Cody hated me but didn'r say anything as he continued talking. "One of the hunters spotted a couple of rouges in your territory and attacked them. They killed all of them except one who they captured and locked up so we could get some answers from him."

"Where are they?" Chase asked.

"One of the guards put him in one of the underground prisons." Cody said. "I'll take you there."

"Let's go." Chase replied.

"I'm coming with you." I stated.

"No your not. I don't want you getting hurt." Chase told me.

"I'm coming Chase." I told him looking him in the eyes.

He sighed and nodded his head.

I followed my brother and Chase to one of the underground prisons. I never been down here before and was happy to not off. The walls and floor were dirty and had somethings growing out from the cracks. Overall it looked nasty.

We walked up to a heavy guarded cell.The guards looked up and stepped to the side to allow us to walk through. Cody opened the door and we walked in to see a guy about our age chained up to the far side wall.

Chase didn't wast any time to ask questions, "Why are you here and what do you want?"

The rouge looked up at us and smirked evilly, "I think you know why we're here."

"Answer the question's!" Chase snapped using his alpha voice.

He chuckled and said, "My alpha want's to kill beautiful over there." He motioned to me and Chase and Cody looked over at me as I stood there frozen to my spot. "He wants her dead, so he can ruin you and take over your pack."

I was in shock. I couldn't move or speak. I could see Cody and Chase telling me something but I couldn't hear them. I might die soon. Someone wants to kill me to get revenge on my mate?!

Rejected (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora