Chapter Four

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Chapter Four-

Faith's P.O.V-

I've been running for two days now. I don't plan on ever going back to them ever again. I can't stand the humiliation, pain, and rejection. Suddenly four wolves appeared in front of me. I stopped imminently and noticed the one in front was a brown wolf bigger then the others, probably the Alpha. One of then was a sandy blond wolf and the others were also brown.

I lowered my head to show them I wasn't a threat and took a step back.

All of a sudden, all of them shifted in human form. The one that I suspected to be alpha spoke first, "Shift." He said.

I obeyed and shifted back into my human form. Staring at the incredibly hot guys standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" The Alpha asked.

"Faith Anderson." I replied with a slight smile.

"Faith Anderson..." He thought. After a few moments his face lighted up. "Faith!"

I raised an eyebrow at how he acted. It was weird course I just meant this person.

"Logan, she dosen't know you bro" The guy with sandy blond hair stated.

"Oh yeah." Logan muttered.

"Can someone tell me whats going on?" I asked throwing my arms in the air.

"The idiot over there," One of the other guys pointed to Logan, "is Logan. I'm Kale and my brother here is Dylan. And he is Ryan." With each name Kale pointed to the person.

I nodded and said, "Well it's nice to meet you all but I should be going."

"Where?' Dylan asked.

I shrugged, "Don't know."

"You should join our pack!" Ryan stated with a big smile.

"Yeah you should Faith!" Kale and Dylan said at the same time.

"Okay that was creepy." I laughed.

"They're twins." Logan replied smirking. "And if you want you could join my pack."

"Join!" The twins shouted.

Laughing I said, "Okay I will!"

The twins jumped up in the air while saying 'yes'.

Logan laughed as he said, "Okay It's settled your now a part of our pack. Now lets go back to the pack house to introduce you to some of the pack."

I nodded and we all headed to the pack house.

Once we were inside I looked around at everything. It looked like a mansion rather then a pack house!

"Big isn't it?" Ryan asked standing right next to me.

"Really big." I said still looking around.

"We finally have a sister!!" The twins yelled throughout the house.

I turned towards Logan and Ryan and asked, "Are they always like this?"

"Always." Logan replied.

"Wow! I always wanted siblings." I said.

"You don't have any?" Logan asked curiously.

I shook my head, "I have a twin brother and an older sister."

They both raised an eyebrow and looked really confused now.

"What I mean is that I want siblings like them. They're fun, weird, funny, and loud."

"You'll get tired of them in less of a day." Ryan told me looking serious.

"Like hell you will!" Logan stated.

"FAITH!!" The twins screamed from somewhere in the house.

"Come on." Logan said walking in the direction of the twins voices'.

I followed him and Ryan into a room I think was the living or family room. The twins stood in the middle of the room with big smiles on they're faces.

"Finally it took you guys AGES to get your asses here!" Dyan said dramatically.

"Let's introduce you to our friends!" Kale said this time.

"This is Kourtney," He pointed to a red head, "Kimberly," He pointed to a brunette next to Kourtney, "Rick," He pointed to a brown haired guy sitting next to Kimberly, "And Brent,"He then pointed to a guy with black hair lying on the couch on the other side of the room. "Everyone this is Faith Anderson!"

"Hi!" Kourtney said jumping off of the couch and standing in front of me. "I'll give you some advise; don't hang out with those two," She pointed to the twins who were arguing about something random, "for very long or you'll go crazy!"

I laughed and nodded my head just as Kimberly came up to us.

"I'm Kimberly but you can call me Kimmy. And you should really listen to Kourtney's advise, you do NOT wanna end up crazy!" Kimmy said smiling.

"Trust me I won't!" I told them laughing when I seen the twins horrified faces.

"HEY!" They both yelled, "WE ARE NOT CRAZY!"

"Sure you aren't." Rick said smirking at them.

"Hey, you know what we should do!" Kimmy squealed.

"What?" I asked.

"Go shopping!" She squealed again but this time clapping her hands.

"why?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"To get you some clothes!" She replied in a 'duh' tone.

I nodded and the two girls pulled me out of the house and into a red Mustang. Then headed for the mall.

Three long hours we finally headed to the pack house. We basically bought everything in the whole mall and my feet are killing me! They bought me a whole new wardrobe and some extra things. Kourtney and Kimmy were my new best friends. They're really nice, funny, and kind!

once we arrived at the pack house we brought all of our bags into the house and they showed me my room. It was right by both of there's witch was amazing! I have a new pack who cares about me and I have a room by my new best friends!

My room is huge! A giant king sized bed in the middle of the pink and black room. The walls were pink and black and the floor was a pink with black rugs. Te bedding was a zebra print with black and pink pillows. There was a giant plasma screen TV in front of the bed. A walk in wardrobe and a giant bathroom!

Over all the room was amazingly wonderful!

After I put everything away in my new room I was exhausted. I put on my new pajamas and slipped in my new comfy bed. I snuggled up in the comforters and drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Something I never had back home...


Hiya! I posted a longer chapter since of all of my short chapters and for the wait! I will be posting Chapter Five soon! It'll probably be up later tonight or tomorrow.

Also, don't forget to;




FAN! <3

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