Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

Ameena couldn't help but remember Demi. It had been almost eight months now since she made them hid behind a vehicle while they waited for Kareem. She smiled as she recalled that, that was actually the first time she met Ahmad.

Nadia was acting nervous and fidgeting. She had to ask her to calm down. She had her back to the entrance and Ameena sat opposite her.

"I swear am beginning to doubt you. What happened to my confident cousin?"

"Am not nervous, its just that am thinking, what if he has a girlfriend? I mean, he doesn't look like one who doesn't have any, right?"

"Actually, I don't."

Both Nadia and Ameena froze at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, hey." Ameena managed to say.

He sat down and exchanged pleasantries with Ameena while Nadia who felt flustered was trying to put on a poker face.

"You have a knack for bad timing, don't you?"

"Actually, I think I came at the right time as that question was mine to begin with. Who else will answer it better than I?"

"Don't be full of yourself, we were talking about someone else."

"I see but then, its also good that we passed that part and you don't have to ask me if am single, right?"

"Its not like I was going to do that. You said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, but this time around, I beg you to let me do the talking for a bit, then you can have your say."

"Fair enough." She said while she folded her hands on the table.

Ameena knew this conversation should be private, so she excused herself and went back to the car and waited. All this is making her miss Ahmad.

Meanwhile, inside the restaurant, the conversation had easily slipped into a more comfortable one with them telling each other about themselves.
He learnt that she is a final year nursing student at Bayero university.

She told him of her love for food. In return, he told her he was a good hand in the kitchen. They talked about anything and nothing. In the end, they exchanged phone numbers and promised to keep in touch.

At last Nadia slipped into the drivers seat and asked with theatrical gesture.

"What is the best feeling in the world?"

"Taking off my bra at the end of the day?"

"Come on, must you make everything sound creepy?"

"You asked my opinion and there you have it."

Nadia sighed and close her eyes as Ameena sped off.


Things have been going steady between her and Ahmad lately. He sends simple messages each morning, asking little things like, if she's okay, how was her night and things like that. Just little things that reminded her he cares.
They talk at night on the phone and God knows she always looked forward to it everyday.

She did not return the bracelet as her mom had advised her against it. " ba'a maida hannun kyauta baya." She said. "besides, if things don't workout between the two of you, that's the time you return it."

She had finally yielded and allowed him to ask for permission from her mom to formally court her. It had gone well as her mom had nothing against it. If anything it was an answer to her endless prayers.

At least now she had gone pass conjuring imaginary boyfriends and them killing them using lame excuses.

Her mom also advised that he seeks for permission from Baba Alhaji when he returns from Umrah, as he is the head of the family and a father figure to Ameena.

Today is Saturday and she is filled up with the anticipation of seeing him again. She admired her reflection on the mirror. Her hair has been neatly braided and looked nothing from its normal self. The tight edges gave her face an extra lift and she loved it.

She was getting ready before Ahmad arrives. If someone had foretold this event less than a year ago, she would have scoffed and called him crazy. Who would have thought? She mused.

She wore a red peplum atamfa with gold floral applique on the waist. She sprayed a little amount of her favorite perfume, Cabotine by Gres.

She went to the kitchen to make sure things are in other. She met her mom who handed her a food flask instructing her to take it to ya Kabir.

The living room was empty when she entered, so she quietly put down the food and walked out. A few steps away, she heard someone call her name. She turned and faced the last person she wants to see in the world.

After hastily greeting him, she began to walk away, but his voice stopped her.

"Wait! What's happened to you?"


" look different."

"I guess am starting to get the hang of being a lady." She stressed the word lady, hoping her reply has hit its mark.

He just smiled in that sinister way only he knew how to. She tried to leave but he seized the opportunity to ask her if she planned to pursue her post graduate degree anytime soon.

Although she had her back to the gate, she knew it was Ahmad when she heard the sound of a car come in. She hastily answered and made her way toward Ahmad whom ya Salman chose to ignore as he made his way into his house.

She was met by a very serious looking Ahmad, though he tried to hide his jealousy, his clenched jaw said otherwise. She smiled inwardly as she knew he will understand if she explained. After the exchange of pleasantries, what he said only confirmed her suspicion.

"Who was that?"

"That's ya Salman, there's no need to get all worked up about it, we don't even get along."

"Your pictures tells a different story."

"Do you think that I am cheating on you?"

"I don't know what to think, really...I tried so hard to get that pictures out of my head. Now I see you two together... I don't know what to think."

She couldn't believe this is happening, she had looked forward to this day for the past two weeks. And now there he was, doubting her and questioning her integrity.

"You know what? Think what you want...just go back to where you came from."

She blinked back tears as she starts to walk away, but on second thought, she swerved and faced Ahmad who was too stunned to move a muscle.

"For your information, the one on the picture is his twin and he's DEAD."


So guys the mystery of ya salim have been unveiled. What do you think about the whole chappie?
Do leave your comments as they make writing this book more exciting. Love you all😘😘😘
rukypotter am so sorry, ya salim was just a memory.
All in all, I hope u guys enjoyed it

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