~Chapter Twenty Nine~

Start from the beginning

His eyes grew by the sound of my name, recognizing it. "(Name)?" I blinked rapidly in confusion. 


"I've heard your name around." I narrow my eyes in suspicion. "My name? But why? Have y'all been spying on me? I mean I know Oliver said he knows all of your guys' customers but that just doesn't make any sense since you guys have never met me and another thing- " My eyes raised to look at him a and he looked taken aback, full of stutters and no answers whatsoever.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you don't have all the answers to my questions. I'm just curious is all..." I sighed a laid my head back against the headrest and looked up to the sky. The clouds were fluffy and the sky was a beautiful hue of blue, a typical beautiful day. "So, Gilen, how are you?" I said with my head still up, soaking up the bright sunshine.

"How am I?" I momentarily looked to the side to see his face contorted in confusion again. "Yeah, like how are you feeling? Are you happy, sad, angry, frustrated, depressed- please don't say depressed cause I care about you, tired-"

"Wait, what?" I adjusted myself to sit on the side of the couch, a small smile grazing my lips. His accent made the w sound like a v which was sweet to me, making my smile grow more. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"You said something, strange."

I furrowed my brows in a moment of bewilderment. "What? Frustrated?"

"No, after that."

"Depressed?" "Ja, and after that you said something weird."

"What? That I care about you?"

This time he really looked dumbfounded, he looked dead on surprised and perplexed.

"Yeah, I do. I do care about you." I repeated. This was true. I did care about him, and everyone else as well. How do they just not get that?

"But you don't, well, know me."

I pursed my lips in a pout. "Well I don't know you, but I know about your character. But I already want to know you."

This boy. He is just unbelievable. He looks so damn surprised.


I sigh before beginning again, the grin from my face never leaving a moment. "All of you are so damn surprised by the thought of me wanting to get to know you. I'm telling you, you guys mean a lot to me. You were always so-"

What's the word?


I looked him straight on. My eyes locking onto those multi-colored orbs. "You guys inspire me."

"You were so different and such outcasts yet you didn't care. You were even proud to be what you were. To be so, different." I paused for a moment.

"I always felt that I never belonged anywhere but whenever I read or thought up anything of you guys you made me feel like I wasn't the only one. I wasn't the only different one. I mean, you guys are so strange and that's just so cool! Of course murder isn't cool thought the killing part we'll have to work on but the whole weapon and psychopath thing appeals to me, I think it's just so, so cool!"

I started to laugh at my statements, he probably thinks I'm crazy.

"I mean Oliver with the whole cupcake and the strict language, Kuro with his honor thing, I mean even Matt with his gruffness. You guys are just so unique, and you don't give a shit either. I mean Allen truly doesn't give a shit, he doesn't care when people judge him for his tattoos or the low V necks-" I almost cracked up when I remembered the low V necks, not to mention the transparency. "You guys are just so, damn different it's like a breath of fresh air. Even you, you're so you!"

Yup, he definitely thinks I'm crazy.

"Yeah. I know, I'm not making much sense."

He was left speechless. Which cracked me up even more, I left this guy speechless.

Then I realized I was wrong. He wasn't left speechless, he was moving his lips but I couldn't hear his voice anymore. For a moment I thought I'd gone deaf then I heard lingering footsteps coming our way.

I hadn't gone deaf. Gilen had gone mute. 


*cue my heart breaking I am so sorry* 

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