-Chapter 2-Off to Seattle-

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I can't believe he would threaten us like that, Adalyn complained, throwing her arms up in the air in rage. Silver shook her head quietly. She thought she was the one to be blamed for. What's wrong, Silv? You're usually laughing at my madness, Adalyn said, pushing Silver playfully on the shoulder.

I feel this is my fault. It's my fault that we didn't complete our last report, Silver sighed, pushing back hairs behind her ear. Trust me. If it were your fault, I would be blaming you, Adalyn assured her, patting her back. Silver smiled weakly, still not sure if to believe her.

When they arrived at their shared apartment, Silver quickly unlocked the door and jumped on the couch. We better start packing instead of laying down, watching Fairy Tail all day, Adalyn scolded her, playfully. Silver jumped up and ran to her room quickly. Adalyn laughed at her and went to her room to pack.

About an hour or two later, the girls met each other in the living room. Who's ready for a vacation? Adalyn squealed, jumping around like a kid in a candy shop. Vacation? More like work, Silver said, mumbling the last part. Adalyn stopped jumping and frowned at Silver. Come on, Silv, a little fun on our work trip won't hurt, Adalyn stated, poking Silver's cheek. Silver giggled at her friend's weirdness. We should start heading to the airport before our plane leaves without us, Silver said, grabbing Adalyn's hand and rushing out the door with the two luggage.

Once they arrived at the airport, they found out that their plane was boarding and sprinted to it. This is gonna be great! Silver shouted, making everyone around her jump. Agreed, Adalyn smiled.

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