-Chapter 1-The Fault in our Work-

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Adalyn, Silver, my office....NOW! Alex Jones, the number-one journalist, yelled at the two workers. They arose from their desks and held on to each for dear life, scared of what would happen in Alex's office. As they walked in and sat in the two, plush chairs in the small office, Alex slammed the door behind them. Do you know why I called you two in here? He asked, cocking his head to the side.

Perhaps a raise? Adalyn guessed, raising her hand as if a school girl would to a question. WRONG! Alex yelled, making Silver jump a little. You're in here because you two have been giving me crap instead of reports. We're sorry, sir. We'll try harder next time, Adalyn assured him. Sorry isn't gonna work this time, He stated, trying to calm down, I'm sending you two on a little trip. Silver gave him a confused look.

Sir, I thought we would only report in the city. That's what our contract said, Silver told him, trying to sound more confident than she already is. Either you go to Seattle, Washington or you will be fired, Alex stated, his jaw clenched because he was aggravated. They both nodded quickly. Now go. You must start packing. Your plane arrives tonight, now GO!

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