"Probably shouldn't do it," Aule stated as all three of the beings looked at me in fascination.

I scoffed. "Please. He doesn't scare me and I'd like to see him try to catch me. I'm pretty good at evasive maneuvers..." I chuckled. "This is going to be great! Wish me luck!"

The three watched me leave as I got to doors. "She's great," Curumo sighed happily breaking their silence.

"She's definitely interesting. That's for sure. If she comes back, she can help me anytime." I smiled to myself as I pulled one of the doors open. "Did she just-"

"She did," Aule's booming laughter followed me out as I ran quickly to me room in mischievous glee. When I barged in my maids screamed and I shushed them.

"Shhh! One of you get me the coldest bucket of water you can find!" I whisper yelled as I closed my door.

"May I ask why?," Saephel asked curiously and I grinned.

"I will not allow you to be dragged into my foolishness. He'll probably try to kill you so just get me the biggest bucket of cold water that you can find and bring it to me. No more questions but you'll see."

They all looked at each other but Saephel was the one to leave and when she came back I grinned. The bucket was at least half my height and when I stuck my hand in the water I hissed at how cold it was. "I assume this will suffice?"

I grinned taking it from her. "Oh yeah!" I got the door and turned to my chambermaids. "You saw nothing and if you hear screaming and other things, I am most likely never coming back. It was nice knowing you. Live good lives!"

I moved across the hall silently and was about to open Kalanlyn's door when I heard my name. I swiftly stepped in front of the bucket as I saw Melkor coming towards me. "Oh! Melkor! I thought you were someone of importance. Can whatever this is wait?" I sighed in relief as Melkor stared down, literally, on me.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to take a walk with me but," He glanced at the bucket behind me raising an eyebrow. "I see you have other plans... May I ask what you are planning on doing?"

I waved him to get down to my level, and even with him bending I had to get on my tippytoes before whispering, "I'm going to dump this bucket of ice cold water on Kalanlyn." I moved away from Melkor and he straightened with an amused look.

"And why would you do that?"

"One, I'm bored and two, just to hear him sputter and see his face before he tries to kill me," I giggled. "Now, if you leave me alone, and I don't die, I will take a walk with you later."

"I shall hold you to that."

"No need. I never break my promises." I said and after he walked away, chuckling, I waited at least another five minutes before creeping into Kalanlyn's room. I kept the door cracked open enough, just so I had a route of escape and crept towards Kalanlyn's sleeping frame. As I got nearer, I couldn't help but admire his peaceful expression. He looked... innocent. It almost made me start rethinking my whole plan to dump ice cold water on him.


"Oh, old man. Prepare," I giggled as I dumped the contents on him and shot towards the door as I heard him cry out and sputter. I looked back to see him slicking his hair back and looking at me for a few seconds of shock as I laughed uncontrollably. "YOUR FACE!!!!! OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD SEE YOUR FACE!" I heard him let out a vicious snarl and I let out a squeal as I ran out the door.

"DILYNRAE!" He bellowed as he started chasing me.

"Ahaha!" I laughed in glee as I picked up my pace bursting through a pair of doors and out into the light of day. I looked back to see him still chasing and decided to taunt him. "WHY SO SLOW OLD MAN!? YOU SHOULD'VE BEEN ABLE TO CATCH LITTLE OLD ME!"

Darkness Rises(Thranduil Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now