"It's best if you don't," Harry said hesitantly, making me pull my brows low.

   "And why is that?" I questioned, folding my arms over my chest.

   "It's because," Harry started to say before groaning lightly, before shaking his head. "I don't know, I just feel like something bad is gonna happen if you come."

   "He could actually tell us shit if I come," I reasoned with him. "He cared about me too once you know."

   "Yeah, before I broke his nose and told him to stay away from you," Harry scoffed, making me roll my eyes.

   "Shut up, I'm coming," I said playfully, pushing past him gently and walking back the way we came from. Harry complied with a light laugh, catching up with me, and lacing our fingers once again.

  We made our way to The Den, which was the place where spies or 'prisoners' were kept. Harry let go of my hand when we approached Blake's cell, unlocking it and swinging it open to reveal a bruised and battered Blake tied up on a chair. I walked in with a tense expression on my face, hating the way Valkyrie had tortured him, also hating the way I felt bad for him because after all he was a spy and he did break the scared rules of The Organization.

   "Well aren't you looking wonderful today, Blake?" Harry boomed loudly, his voice filled with fake cheerfulness as he rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt and took his rings off. He only ever took his rings off when he had the intention of getting his hands dirty.

   "Scarlett?" Blake's voice came out ragged, yet it was filled with surprise. His bright blue eyes stood out from the purple and dark colored bruises on his face, along with the dried blood that stained his skin.

   "Blake," I nodded curtly at him, folding my arms over my chest as Harry exited the room quickly, saying that he had to roll in the table of 'torture toys' as he would call them.

   "Finally decided to come and see me?" Blake arched an eyebrow with a deep cut in it, wincing almost immediately.

   "Thought I'd see if I could get something out of you."

   "Is that so?" Blake laughed out loud, his brilliant white teeth making an appearance as he grinned in amusement. "Oh Scarlett, do you seriously still think I have a thing for you?"

   "I never said I did," I muttered, folding my arms over my chest as he continued to laugh.

   "Oh I remember the days I tried so hard to get you to like me, even though it usually came off as me trying to get into your pants," Blake reminisced out loud, as Harry walked into the room, rolling in a table filled with weapons used to torture. "Obviously, none of that was genuine."

   "I figured," I shrugged, walking over to the table and picking up a knife, twirling the blade around my fingers. "Would you have felt any different if you weren't a spy?"

   "Of course," he snorted. "Why you were weak as fuck!" he exclaimed loudly, Harry clenching jaw and tightening his grip on another knife he had. I turned to shoot him a look, silently telling him to stand down. I was curious to hear what Blake had to say.


   "Yes weak. Always crying because Harry didn't care about you, but then he did, but he never showed it, blah blah blah," Blake shook his head dramatically, the difference in his personality a clear indicator that he was indeed an incredible spy for he was nothing like this when I knew him. "Don't mind me, crying isn't a exactly weak thing to do. But to be honest, it was always stupid when Harry would do something shit to you and you'd forgive him instantly, thinking he would change, but-"

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