The Fallen Human

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                    Sans woke at the sound of his brother yelling at him to get up from downstairs. Apparently he'd slept all the way 'til the morning. Sans sighed, and slowly but surely obeyed. As soon as he opened the door to his room, Papyrus was at the door to the house already, about to leave. "There you are, lazy bones!" Papyrus said. "We have humans to capture!" Sans remembered the promise he'd made the other day.

"Eh... Sure, yeah, you go on ahead." Sans said, and Papyrus gave a nod of approval, and exited. Sans sighed yet again. He decided to see if his friend was yet at the door to the RUINs, so he took a quick shortcut there. He gave the large but thin stone door a knock; No response. He waited a long while; Still no response. All of a sudden, from inside the door, he heard, very, very quiet chatter. Then, the sound of something burning... Or just fire. It was abnormally loud; He knew it wasn't a torch. Sans hoped nothing had went wrong. All of a sudden, the sound abruptly stopped, and Sans could vaguely hear something in there, still. He thought it was quieter chatter, but it was at too low a volume to tell. Sans waited, and soon heard footsteps... Not the soft, pats of his friend's... But... Shoes? Sans immediately made a shortcut deeper in the wooded area around the path, but not too far as not being able to see anything. After a moment, he saw the stone door open. It was not his friend. It was a human... A short human... A  child... He knew it'd be time to keep his promise... Somehow, seeing them gave Sans déjà vu. That shirt. He'd seen it before... He tried to remember where. He couldn't... He shrugged. He soon decided to try and creep them out as an initial greeting, giving them glimpses of him out of the corner of their eye, snapping a twig... but nothing seemed to phase them. Sans decided to give them a start himself. Just as they were about to cross the badly-barred bridge, Sans began walking towards them, right on the path. The human must've heard, as they stopped in their tracks. "Human..." Sans said, when he was right behind them. The human began to turn around. Slowly. As they did... Sans saw, from an all-around perspective... The grey specs of dust on the human's clothing... He, at that point, decided one thing; It was going to be quite difficult to keep his promise. When the human was fully turned around, Sans was surprised. He expected them to have either a diabolical smile, or an angry grimace. But... They seemed to have a very neutral visage. Sans stuck his hand out for a shake. The human child seemed to reluctantly shake it... But Sans had something else in mind. PFFFFFFFFFFTH. Sans had to restrain himself from laughing. He had put a whoopee cushion in his hand. "Heheh... The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's ALWAYS funny." Sans said. And waited. The human seemed unamused. "...That's... Your cue to laugh." Sans said. But they did not. "Or, to, uh, emote at all?" Sans said. But the human's face did not change. They seemed set on one path.DETERMINED, Sans decided. "Gee, lady, you really know how to pick 'em, huh?" Sans quietly joked. And that was the moment that Sans realized that his friend might not be alive anymore... He might be looking at her remnants on this human's clothing. He had to restrain himself from flinching at the thought. But Sans casually continue. "Okay, that's fine... Everyone's got their own sense of humor." Sans said. And so, he introduced himself. "I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton. I'm uh... Actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but uh... Y'know... Not really in the mood for capturing anybody." Sans said. The human didn't seem roused by that, either. "But uh, my brother, Papyrus, he is a human hunting FANATIC." Sans said. Sans looked over the human's shoulder, and saw a tall silhouette in the distance. "Hey, actually, I think that's him over there..." Sans said. "I have an idea. Just go through this gate. Don't worry, my brother made the bars too wide to stop anybody." Sans said, and chuckled. The human, not seeming to be amused at all, promptly walked through the bars. Sans followed. They then stopped at the post. "Quick, go behind that conveniently shaped lamp." Sans said... But the human did not. They didn't seem to want to play along to anything. "...Or not..." Sans said. "I guess you don't have to..." And then, Papyrus came running toward them.

"SANS! Have you found a human yet!!??!" Papyrus asked. Sans looked at the human standing next to him.

"Uh. Yeah." Sans said, shrugging.

"...Really!!??!" Papyrus asked. "...Wowie!!!" He said. "Guess that's settled." And Papyrus hurried off. Sans smiled... Or, rather, continued to.

"That worked out, huh?" Sans asked. The human looked at Sans, but did not respond. "You just gonna stare at me, or...?" Sans asked. The human chose the 'or' option, and walked off. He narrowed his eyes, as the dust covered human walked away.

"Well." Sans said, rather loudly. "My brother would really like to see a human. So, you know... It'd really help me out... If you kept pretending to be one." Sans said. Sans knew damn well that it was no normal human. Empty inside... Though it was clear that they had enough DETERMINATION to begin another timeline, Sans wondered what they'd do with the power. he suspected they'd be some trouble.  Sans sighed. The 'human' was moving forward now. Sans walked back and took a shortcut to Papyrus.

"There you are!" Papyrus said to him, hands on his hips. Sans gave a small wave.

"Heya." Sans said.

"Where is the human!?" Papyrus asked.

"Eh, doin' their own thing." Sans said, and shrugged.

"WHAT!?!?!?" Papyrus asked, head almost spinning.

"Don't you want to capture 'em with your puzzles?" Sans asked. Papyrus thought about it for a long while.

"I suppose so, Sans. Still! I believe you should've kept them." Papyrus said.

Sans shrugged again. "You believe a lot of things." Sometimes too much, Sans added in his head. "It's harder to stop a human like that than you may think." Sans finished. Papyrus sighed, and somewhat patiently waited. After about a half hour, Papyrus sighed again.

"So Sans!" Papyrus loudly said. "When's the human showing up!?!" Papyrus asked. Just then, Sans looked over and saw the human standing a bit farther down the path... They had even more dust on them... He was about to answer, but Papyrus continued. "I want to look my Sunday best. Or at least my Tuesday pretty-good." Papyrus said. Sans shrugged yet again.

"Don't you only have one outfit?" Sans asked, deciding to wait to tell him about the human.

"Yeah, but I could style my hair!" Papyrus said, and gave a confident swoosh through his nonexistent mane. Sans smiled still.

"Oh. Right. Of course." Sans said, somewhat entertained by his brother's irony. "Good idea." Sans said. "But uh... Say, why not look over there?" Sans asked, and Papyrus looked in the direction of the human. And then, Sans and Papyrus traded looking from each other to the human, rapidly over time. And then they both turned away from the human.

"Sans! Oh. My. God!" Papyrus said. "I'm dizzy! What am I looking at!?" He asked.

"Behold." Sans said, and turned to the human. Papyrus squinted.

"Why are you telling me to look at a rock!?!?!?" Papyrus asked, pointing at the rock behind the human.

"Hey, what's that in front of the rock?" Sans asked, helping his brother.

"...OH MY GOD!... I have no idea what that is." Papyrus concluded, looking to Sans for assistance.

"Well. It's not a rock..." Sans began. Papyrus let out a hearty gasp.

"Oh no! By process of elimination!!!! It must be a human!" Papyrus said. "Prepare yourself for high jinks! Low jinks! Dangers! Puzzles! Capers! Japers!" Papyrus said, beginning his speech to the human that he'd prepared. "Being captured! And other sorts of fun activities." Papyrus said. "Refreshments will be provided... If you dare!!!" Papyrus said. "NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH!!!!" Papyrus laughed, and ran away. The whole time, Sans was looking at the human's face... Just then, Sans realized where he'd seen that shirt, and that child before... That was no dream he'd had. It was another timeline. Sans narrowed his eyes, as the human began walking past him.

"And you didn't even bat an eye, huh?"

[SPOILERS] Undertale Genocide: A Bad Time (Sans' Perspective) [[Completed]]Where stories live. Discover now