Time skip 5 days

Natsu had yet to wake up. For 5 days straight, Lucy had stayed by his side and only left when she had to use the bathroom. Erza, Gray, and Wendy checked on him regularlyand tried to get Lucy to leave so she'd eat but each time she refused and said that she had to stay with Natsu. Just as Lucy was about to fall asleep she heard a voice call out her name. It was Natsu! He had woken up! 

Lucy's P.O.V.

Just as I was falling asleep I heard a voice call out to me. It was Natsu. He was awake! He asked if I was awake. As soon as I heard that I went to give him a big hug but he frowned and grunted in pain and I quickly turned around, hid my face, and said sorry. Natsu told me that I shouldn't worry and he was only a little hurt. I started to cry and only buried my face deeper into hiding. He asked what was the matter and I cried out that it's because I was the one responsible for him almost dying. If I wasn't so weak then he wouldn't always have to save me. It was my fault and only my fault that the person I loved so dearly almost died because I couldn't just simply defend myself. He was shocked at the sudden heartfelt outburst. Natsu had no clue how I truly felt about him and how I would hate myself forever if I caused him to die. I then gave him a kiss on his forehead and ran away.

Natsu's P.O.V./thoughts

What the hell just happened?! Does Lucy really think she caused this?! Does she hate herself? WAIT! Did she say she loved me?!?!?! A million questions started to race through my head. I was scared for Lucy. I don't want her to hate herself.. The woman that I've always secretly loved... Now says she loves me dearly. I don't know what to do. She would want her privacy right now but that would make me a bad person if I didn't chase after her. I have to go find her but it hurts to move. I'm gonna have to fight through the pain and go get my Luce.

Back to Lucy's P.O.V.

 I cried as I ran out of the guild. I heard the calls of my guild mates as I ran but I ignored them. I could've sworn I saw a pink haired boy coming slowly behind me. I thought for a second thinking it was Natsu but then immediately went back to thinking hated me. He had to right? I mean look what I caused to happen. I just ran faster and faster till I collapsed. I got up and ran even faster until I finally got to my apartment. When I got to my room I fell, once again with tears falling down my face. I needed to get out of Magnolia so I can get far far away and train and then maybe I can come back and protect him and everyone else! 

Back to Natsu's P.O.V.

As I continued to limp to Lucy's apartment I collapsed. I could see the apartment building in the distance so I tried to get up but couldn't. I could also hear Gray and Erza behind me. I guess it was a good thing that they followed me or else this could've ended pretty badly for me. As Erza carried me back to the guild, I saw in the corner of my eye, Gray running to Lucy's apartment and I got jealous. As Erza walked I fell asleep in her arms.

Back to Lucy's P.O.V.

"Gray, go away! I don't care what you want to tell me because it doesn't matter!" It was really hard for me to hold my tears back as I yelled but eventually I just broke. Gray told me he wasn't leaving until I came out and that the guild is worried about me. He said the guild missed me. They hadn't seen me in 5 days except for when they saw me running out. I then told him with tears falling down my face that I couldn't because Natsu hated me but I loved him. Gray said Natsu didn't hate me and he never would. I still didn't believe him but he kept telling me to just go back to the guild and that Natsu would be resting and so eventually I got, wiped my tears away, and went to the guild with Gray. He didn't know that the only reason I went was so that I could ask master to quit the guild.

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