Never Bring Senpai to Nandos

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Once getting to Nando's they exited the car, Mr. Lester of course was a gentlemen and opened both doors for Dan. Although the brown haired male was at home and quite comfortable at the restaurant being here several times before, Mr. Lester was visibly out of place. It had been forever since he had been to such a non-expensive place to eat, especially on a "date". Usually, at least when it comes to being a Sugar Daddy, spending as much money as possible is key to making a good impression. Not somewhere like...this.

"Dan!" A tall man with bright blue eyes and curly hair made his way from behind the counter pulling Dan into a tight hug.

"PJ, you just saw me yesterday." Dan awkwardly pat the back of the man holding him. It's not that he didn't like PJ, they were actually fairly close friends, it's just Dan is extremely awkward in any situation. He could be locked in a room by himself with only a pillow, and somehow be awkward and embarrassed. 

"And this is?" PJ asked kindly, still keeping his grin the whole time.

"Hello, I'm Phillip, and I'm Dan's-"

"BOYFRIEND." Dan shouted before his Senpai could finish the sentence, "He's my boyfriend." Dan now stood awkwardly staring at the floor.

Mr. Lester finally caught as to why he did that and nodded confidently. 

"...okayyy. Anyways, right this way." PJ actually doing his job for once took them to a booth in the far corner of the restaurant. After taking their drink orders PJ left the table to go back to his post and get their actual waiter. 

Mr. Lester sat across from Dan, although out of his element he still upheld his suave demeanor. Reaching across the table he obtained the younger boy's hand and held it in his own. 

"Don't you think that was a bit unnecessary before?" He circled the tip of his finger along Dan's palm slowly.

"I would rather people, especially a friend, not know about us." Dan still looked down embarrassed.

"Oh, I completely understand that, I'm talking about you not hugging your friend back. We both know that you enjoy...", Mr. Lester's foot began to go up Dan's leg, "physical contact~."

Daniel whimpered slightly at the contact, "N-Not here, Mr. Lester I--" 

"That's not my name and you know it~" {Dan will reveal in a second} said teasingly.

"...Senpai, not here." the adorable Tsundere whimpered.

Senpai smirked, "That's better, but why would I do that~? Nobody is watching us anyways." He pressed his foot directly on Dan's crotch and rubbed it roughly. Making him able to muffle the noise Dan placed his hands over his mouth, resting on his elbows. He moaned lightly, anyone else would barely be able to hear it. Senpai was grinning to himself sadistically  watching the brown haired boy squirm in his seat. All of a sudden the rubbing stopped and Senpai's foot went still; not leaving it's position. 

Placing their drinks down on the table the adorable waitress smiled warmly, "You guys ready to order?" Dan quickly ordered both him and Senpai's food before she noticed what was going on beneath the table. Luckily she did not notice anything and Dan was able to avoid that horribly awkward confrontation. 

(Before you say anything in the comments, yes I am saying awkward a lot. To be honest though, I can not think of a better word that describes Dan. "Holy trinity: awkward, tall, existential.")

"Senpai, please wait till we get home." Dan was blushing like a madman by this point, he could already feel that his member was hard and did not want this to go any further; at least not now.

"But it is so much fun to watch you squirm like this~" Senpai smirked at the blushing mess that he had  created, and most likely the mess he was going to create in Dan's pants.

"Fine, I will stop on one condition." Senpai pressed his foot down even harder than before; Dan unprepared was barely able to cover his mouth on moan that was released. "We get our food to go, and continue this at home in the chamber."

"What's the--"

"I can not reveal it, you have to wait until we get there." Senpai intertwined his fingers with Daniel's, trying to give the 'trust-me' look.

Daniel looked around for a second thinking it over.


(Hey guys! I apologize a million times for this taking so long. I honestly just had zero idea what to write about in this chapter. If you wish to help me out a bit, comment as to what you think should be in Senpai's chamber~)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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