The Prince's Arrival

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Mal and the others were waiting nervously in front of the school, trying not to let their nerves show. There wasn't a band this time, thankfully, but Prince Ben and Headmistress Fairy Godmother were waiting quietly off to the side along with the boy who would be Ace's roommate; Haydn Rolfe*, Thomas Rolfe's brother and son of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. People who passed looked confused, but went on their way after a quick word from Fairy Godmother or Ben.

When the limousine turned around a corner and appeared down the street, Carlos jumped up from his place on the ground and pointed. "Look! Ace is almost here!" He said eagerly, bouncing in the balls of his feet and holding onto Jay's shoulder.

Evie squealed and jumped, clapping and smiling brightly. "Oh, great! Mal, aren't you excited?"

"Of course," Mal said with a small smile, arms crossed over her chest again. "I'm just trying to maintain the "villain" look." She said with a roll of her eyes towards the other two in waiting.

The limo stopped and the man who was driving got out, going around to the back and opening the door for the school's newest addition. Haydn watched as the boy got out of the car hesitantly, looking around as if trying to make sure this wasn't really a dream. He frowned when he saw the glaringly obvious bruise on the boy's face, and one glance at the other teens showed they saw it, too.

The boy's crimson-colored eyes trailed over the sight before him slowly, and Haydn couldn't help but notice how his eyes seemed red and puffy, even from this far away. He was crying?

"Ace! Merry Unbirthday!" Evie cheered as she ran up and hugged her friend. The other three followed, Jay clapping him on the back as Carlos gave him a side hug and Mal smiled. Haydn couldn't help but notice the small wince that caused Jay to quickly remove his hand and give the boy- Ace, he noted, an apologetic smile that disappeared almost as fast as it arrived. "Merry Unbirthday, Ace. Like your present?" Maleficent's daughter asked with a smile.

Ace smiled and nodded, rubbing at his eyes after returning the hugs he was given. "Yeah. Thank you so much. How did you guys pull it off?" He asked, and Jay pointed over to the three other people waiting to be introduced.

"Just did a little finessing to the boy in blue over there." He said with a smirk. Ace's eyes widened as he looked over to where he pointed.

"Wait, that's Prince Ben?" He asked, and the three others stepped forward to introduce themselves.

The boy with blonde hair and dressed in the blue blazer nodded, holding out his hand with a smile. "Yes, I'm Prince Ben. Welcome to Auradon Prep, Ace."

Ace looked at his hand for a moment before bowing, shaking his hand when he stood back up straight. "Thank you for allowing me to come here, Prince Ben."

"You are very lucky to have friends such as yours. They practically begged me to let you come to this school."

Ace smiled kindly, nodding slightly. "Yeah, I am lucky." He said softly, looking over to Fairy Godmother when she introduced herself. Once again he bowed, making the woman giggle.

"Aw, you are such a gentleman! I had no idea that people like you came from the Isle of the Lost!"

"My mother trained me extensively on how a prince should greet and behave in front of anyone of higher standing than me." Ace said monotonously, a stark difference to the emotions that had been in his voice only moments before. Haydn frowned faintly at the change, wondering if that was something he was told to do or if it was something about what Headmistress Fairy Godmother had said.

"Okay, uh, anyway, there is someone I would like you to meet, Ace." Ben said, motioning to the final newcomer. The boy he motioned to had lightly tanned skin and short, choppily cut chocolate brown hair that fell into his eyes, a few feathers tied into his hair. He bowed in greeting as Ace did while Ben spoke, "This is your roommate, Haydn Rolfe. Son of Rebecca and John Rolfe."

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