Waking up with Benedict

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As the light streams in through the curtains, you open one eye. It was so quiet. Sitting up, you turn to your husband and look at him for a few moments.

Ben's hair was a beautiful auburn colour and cut short, though his determined curls still spread over the pillow. He was breathing slowly, his chest moving up and down. His eyes flicker for a second before opening and then he's awake.

"Morning." He says, looking up at you.

"Hey sleepyhead."

He shuffles closer to you in the warm sheets and lays his head in your lap. You take this opportunity to play with his curls, wrapping them around your fingers. He chuckles softly and gently pulls your arm. You get the message and sink back down into the blankets with him.

Wrapping his arms around your middle, Ben brings you in close so that there's no space between the two of you.

"So, what are we up to today?" he whispers.

You're just opening your mouth to answer when he interrupts.

"Because whatever it is cancel it. For once let's stay in all day."


You have no problem with this plan whatsoever.

Benedict Cumberbatch ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon