Telling him

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You pick up your phone and will yourself to do it. You didn't think sending a quick text would be so difficult. Hesitantly, you start typing.

Hi, you home yet? x

Phew. Easy. Just a simple text. And hey if you're lucky he won't be in or he won't get your message. Please don't reply. Please don't reply.....

Hi, yeah I'm in. You coming back? :) xxx


You'd been staying with a friend whilst Benedict was away filming and now he'd come back you'd have to confront him. You just found out you were pregnant. Of course you knew Ben would be thrilled at the idea of the baby but he had filming commitments already and you'd only been married two months. Is it all a bit much too soon?

Quickly you pack your bag and say goodbye. It was only a ten minute walk but it felt like forever to get to your house.

When you ring the bell,the door is almost immediately thrown open and there he is. He's gotten tanned abroad but he still looks just the same. Ben is beaming down at you with his arms open wide. You gladly hug him, extra tight.

"I've missed you" you mumble into his ear.

"I know. I've missed you too. So so much." he says back.

Breaking apart, Ben grabs your bag from you and lets you in.

"I'll just pour us some wine," yells Ben, heading into the kitchen. "Go through to the lounge and we can talk."

Oh. You'd almost forgotten with the excitement of seeing him again. You sit on the sofa with a cushion on your lap trying to figure out what to say.

He comes in the room a few seconds later and puts the wine glasses down on the table before joining you on the sofa.

"So what has been going on since I've been away? What have you been up to?"

Now's your chance.

"Same old, same old. But uh actually I do have something I want to tell you."

Benedict sees the serious look on your face and matches it.

"Whats up? Are you ok? Has something happened?"

"Well no but yes well ok. Umm I'm kind of..." you trail off lamely.

"Kind of what?"

"Ok.. I'm kind of pregnant."

You wait a second to let it sink in. You have no idea how's he's feeling, his face is just blank with surprise.

"Really?" he asks.

"Really." you confirm.

A smile starts to appear on his face and soon he's grinning at you. He pulls you into another bear hug.

"That's amazing. I can't believe it. It's fantastic. Does anyone else know?"

"No. You're the first person I wanted to tell."

He whispers jokingly into your ear "Guess you shouldn't drink that wine,huh?"

You both look up at each other laughing and there's tears in both of your eyes. You kiss then, long and slow, not needing words to express how you're feeling. It's a beautiful moment that you never want to end.

Benedict Cumberbatch ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now