Chapter 20

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Hours later, as Dusty lay in Kyera's bed and listened to the Paramore CD she'd put on, her mind began to wander back to the moment that morning when Kyera did called her as she headed over to class. It seemed too much of a coincidence that she'd just been there at that time, when she didn't have class herself. She began to wonder if it was no accident that she'd ended up in her bed all day, that she'd had that intention all along, that their whole conversation had been premeditated.

But Dusty was unable to dwell on the thought for too long as her lack of sleep caught up with her, and she fell into a pleasant slumber, all thoughts about missed classes and planned conversations fell from her mind in place of the beautiful coolness of sleep.


Dusty eyed the white envelope cautiously. It stared up at her accusingly from the carpeted floor, having previously been pushed under her bedroom door, her name neatly typed on the front. She immediately recognized the format of the letter and knew that it didn't indicate anything good.

Ashley came bursting through the door, her skin freshly scented like lemons from her shower, placing one slipper covered foot directly on top of the letter.
"Oh, sorry," she apologized before bending to pick the envelope up. "It's for you." She casually passed the letter across to Dusty. Sitting on her bed, Dusty held the envelope in her hands. It felt heavy with expectation.

"You not going to open it?" Ashley asked as she began to comb through her wet hair as she sat at her desk, which was used more frequently as a vanity table. Dusty was quiet. "Is it another letter from the college?" Ashley asked, sounding anxious. She turned to give her friend her full attention. Dusty merely nodded numbly in response.

"It might not be bad. You haven't opened it yet." Ashley tried to sound optimistic. "Besides, you've been turning up for all your classes." Dusty shamefully shook her head. "Oh, Dusty." As she spoke, Dusty's eyes grew sad. "I thought you'd been going all the time, making extra effort."

"I was." Dusty tried to defend herself, already knowing it was too late for excuses. "But..." Her voice trailed off, unable to complete the sentence.

"But along came Kyera," Ashley answered for her. There was no judgment in her voice, only saddened understanding.

"Yeah, along came Kyera," Dusty admitted.

"Love can blind the best of us." Ashley came and sat beside her friend, placing a consolatory arm around her. "Open it. It might not be as bad as you think," she urged gently. "And I'm here for you, no matter what it says." With trepidation, Dusty opened the letter and read the neatly typed words that were intended for her eyes.

After a few moments scanning the document, Dusty sighed wearily. "I've got to go and meet with Miss Dunne this afternoon."

"See, that's not so bad!" Ashley tried to sound positive.

"Isn't it?" Dusty asked pessimistically.

"No, not at all. It's not a straight-out expulsion, which means that they're offering you an olive branch, so go take it." Dusty looked sadly at the letter and thought of all the days she'd spent with Kyera when she should have been in class. She realized that the problem with carpe diem was that if tomorrow came and you hadn't prepared for it, you were screwed. 


"We meet again, Miss Black," Miss Dunne greeted Dusty coldly as she settled herself on the opposite side of the teacher's impressive oak desk.

"Yes, we do." Dusty's voice was small and sorrowful.

"I anticipate that you know why you're here."

Letters by Her [Book 2]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant