Chapter 9

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"So you two are fully fledged Kappa Pi's now?" Brad asked as he looked across the table at Ashley and Dusty, casually holding a bottle of beer in his hand. "Yep, got the necklace to prove it!" Ashley said, proudly holding up the Greek letters she was now wearing. "Nice." Brad nodded in approval.

The student bar on campus was already packed full of students even though it was only nine in the evening. Ashley and Dusty stood out in their matching dresses, but they'd decided against going home to change. They needed to get out to settle their frayed nerves. "Any parties on tonight?" Ashley asked bluntly, getting straight to the point. "And here I was thinking you sat down merely to enjoy my company," Brad joked.

Ashley and Brad were dating but in the loosest sense of the word. Neither was faithful to the other, yet they continued to hook up when it was convenient. When Dusty asked Ashley how she felt about the setup, she said that it suited her and she didn't have the time for a proper boyfriend. Moreover, if she did, she wouldn't pick Brad. He had a serious case of roving-eye syndrome.

"Obviously we're mainly here for the fun." Ashley laughed. "But we also need to party. We've had a heavy day."

"Tiring being a sorority girl, is it?" Brad teased.

"We also have classes to attend, which are pretty intense," Ashley defended herself. "Not that you'd understand, Mr. Social Science Major!" Ashley stuck her tongue out at Brad, and he smiled.

"Okay, okay." Brad's smile evolved to a provocative half grin, suggesting that the information he was about to release came with the stipulation that Ashley would attend it with him as his date. "Party at Delta Gamma. Meant to be big. You in?"

"Oh, we are so in," Ashley confirmed.


Dusty woke up and groaned beneath the covers. She could already feel the burning presence of sunlight filling the room and didn't want to remove the blanket shield currently protecting her from it. The party the previous night was a blur in her mind. She remembered dancing and drinking and laughing with Ashley and some of her other sorority sisters.

Moving slightly, she sensed something strange and, looking down, realized that she was still wearing the skinny jeans and glittery tank top she'd gone out in. Although she wanted nothing more than to remain in bed until the hangover cob webs fell off her, she knew she had to get up.

Taking a deep breath, Dusty threw back the covers and squinted in pain at the blast of glowing light that greeted her. She fumbled for a drink from the bottle of water beside her bed, her throat feeling unbearably sore. Across the room, Ashley was predictably still sleeping, although from the second pair of large hairy feet protruding from the bottom of the blanket, she wasn't alone.

Stretching, Dusty stood and checked the time. It was ten in the morning. She looked back at her watch in disbelief. The digits looked back at her, blinking and unforgiving. "But my alarm." Dusty shook her head, unable to comprehend why she hadn't woken up. She'd set her alarm for half- past eight, determined not to miss another class.

Her attendance record had gotten dangerously low over the past few months, and it was imperative that she start attending classes more regularly. Checking her phone, Dusty saw that she had indeed set her alarm and that it had gone off at the delegated time. She'd just slept through it. "Dammit," Dusty moaned as she searched the chaos of her dorm room for her class books and backpack.

Ashley had many admirable qualities; she was kind, fun, loyal and patient, but she was not tidy. Almost all of her clothes were strewn across the floor. Dusty had vowed to only clean up her own stuff, but she was starting to thaw on that decision, realizing that the only way her room would ever be clean again was if she took it upon herself to tidy up Ashley's stuff along with her own.

She supposed it was the least she could do for her friend, who was so kindly paying for them both to live in the sorority house the following year. Assuming Dusty even passed freshman year, which at this rate looked unlikely. Without time to change or even tidy her hair, Dusty knew she'd just have to endure the shameful looks she'd incur as she walked out wearing the same outfit she'd partied in the night before.

She wouldn't be the first student to do it, nor would she be the last. She considered pulling on a sweater, but the morning was already hot and heavy. She'd have to just go with the glittery ensemble and take any negative comments hurled her way. "I'm off." She jiggled one of Ashley's exposed feet to wake her slumbering friend.

"Already?" Ashley groaned from within the comfort of her covers. "You should get up too if you don't want to be late for class," Dusty warned. "Yes, Mom, I'll be up shortly," Ashley answered curtly. She wasn't a morning person.

"Bye, Brad," Dusty added to the presumed owner of the second pair of feet. Her eyes quickly widened when she spotted Ashley fervently shaking her head. She watched her embarrassed friend mouth the name 'Jake.'

"Sorry, Jake," Dusty sweetly corrected herself, though she was blushing profusely. "I'm so bad with names."

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