Chapter 12

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"Can you believe that our freshman year is almost over?" Ashley asked in disbelief as she struggled to pack away her belongings.

"Yeah, it's crazy," Dusty agreed, looking sadly at her final report card for the year. She'd made it into the second year, barely, and there was a note that her progress would be assessed and reviewed when her junior year commenced, which she didn't like the sound of.

It shamed Dusty to think she may have potentially failed. "I'm going to miss this room." Ashley glanced around at the now empty walls, feeling nostalgic.

"We were barely in it." Dusty laughed.
"True," Ashley admitted.
She wandered over to the stack of photographs that documented their first year at Princeton.

They went to some amazing parties, somewhere they got covered in foam, others when they had to wear neon paint. The whole year had been a blur of music, dancing and occasionally classes. Dusty had loved every minute but had begun to fear that her excessive partying would come at a price.

"I love that one," Dusty said, as Ashley looked at a picture of them both sitting outside in the courtyard, smiling broadly in the sunshine, each wearing a Princeton hooded sweater.

"Me too," Ashley agreed. "Let's leave it here as a welcome gift for next year's freshman," Ashley declared, placing the picture in a prominent place on the now bare corkboard.

It made Dusty sad to see the room so empty, but what made her feel worse was the thought of spending the summer back in West in the trailer. As much as she missed Valentine and wanted to see her, she wasn't sure she could handle a summer spent sharing a room with her brother.

"You know, my offer still stands," Ashley said, referring to her earlier suggestion that Dusty go to California with her for the summer. "You could come back to L.A. with me, and I'd show you how we party West Coast style." Ashley laughed.

"It's a really kind offer."

"Seriously, we've got, like, three guest bedrooms. You wouldn't be putting me out, and my parents love you."

"It's tempting," Dusty admitted. She'd always wanted to visit Los Angeles. Everything seemed so glamorous there compared to the mediocrity of West.

"Of course, I'd have to come stay at yours for Thanksgiving in return." Ashley laughed.

"I'm not sure you'd take well to trailer living, Ash." Dusty raised a concerned eyebrow.

"Fair point." Ashley smiled. "But still, I'd love you to come back with me. I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind. Since we've worked so hard all year, we deserve a summer of fun." She said the worked part sarcastically, and both girls laughed a little guiltily at that.

"Sun, sand and hot guys," Ashley continued. "I can't believe I'm having to sell it to you." she lamented. "You want me to beg?" she joked.
"Fine. Dusty, please, please spend the summer with me in L.A. You're my best friend, and I'll be lost without you. Also, you could seriously use a decent tan."

Dusty couldn't speak for laughing, holding her chest as she doubled over.

"Okay, okay." She held her hands up in defeat. "I'll come spend the summer with you in L.A."

"Yes." Ashley beamed triumphantly. As they emptied the last of their room into the back of Ashley's father's Mercedes, Dusty quickly sent a text to her mother explaining the situation and, after a brief contemplative pause, sent another to Valentine.

Dusty: Spending the summer in L.A. now with Ashley, so won't see you. Will write, though, and maybe be in West for Thanksgiving. Xoxo

She realized a little guiltily that she didn't feel bad about not getting to see her all summer. "Come on, let's go." Ashley ordered as she came back to see what was the hold up. "Okay, I'm ready." Dusty took one last look at her dorm room and closed the door on her freshman year at Princeton.

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